A trusted friend, Megan Ryan shared the post below and I feel - TopicsExpress


A trusted friend, Megan Ryan shared the post below and I feel compelled to share it with you all. It very much upsets me that there are people in our industry that are dis-empowering people like this. That is not what our work is about! We are here to heal, empower and support one another. If that is not your focus then you shouldnt be in our industry! (I tried to share Megs status but it would only let me share the link so I have copied her status here instead as I think its an important warning xx) PSYCHIC SCAM ALERT... Healing 4 Life doing Soul Profile Readings.... As my friends, you will know that it is very rare for me to publicly name and shame anyone, as I usually view the practice as being unprofessional. So the fact that I am about to do exactly this will tell you how incensed I am about this situation and strongly I feel about warning people about this group. A very dear friend of mine, who I wont name for her privacy, but who some of you know, went to the Frankston Psychic Fair today and had a Soul Profile Reading with Andrea from Healing4life. Andrea claimed that the environment was preventing her from reading so she then rang another person in NSW, Karen, who supposedly tapped into the Akashic Records (didnt realise it was held in the cloud) and then promptly told Andrea not to go any further as she couldnt find my friends Akashic record. She then went on to tell my friend (one of the most spiritual and enlightened people I know) that she was a changeling who had 3 souls who constantly swapped places in her body and who used light mirror imaging to literally suck the light out of anyone who came anywhere near her... WHAT THE F.........? She then gave my friend a 4 page printed report telling her how bad changelings were and that basically life will always suck for her. Not only was the non-reading extremely negative, it could also have been very damaging. All for a lovely $35 fee mind you with no offer to refund... oh if I just had been there... argh!! As a teacher of spiritual modalities, with lots of friends who are also amazing light workers, healers and readers, what my friend has been told goes against the grain of everything we believe in, every ethic we hold dear and completely defeats our purpose of helping people. Thank goodness, my highly evolved friend knew on a soul (one of 3 apparently) level that this information was completely false so apart from a bit of a shock, she has chosen not to take this on board. My real concern is that this group, Healing4life, has access to people who are already vulnerable and I am mortified (yes on a soul level) about the damage the people in this group could do to those that really need help as well as giving a bad reputation to the healing industry as a whole. Their website claims to have techniques that have been endorsed by the likes of Dr Wayne Dyer, Dr Gregg Braden, a few other well known names in the industry.. with the clincher being Louise L Hay who I know for a FACT would not endorse this company. They also claim to use a wide variety of healing modalities in their techniques, though none of these modalities support telling clients the types of ridiculous, unethical, incompetent and irresponsible information that my friend was told today. If they knew that much about souls and spirituality, they should also know that karma can be a very tough lesson to learn. I am writing this to warn people that this group is now getting around the psychic fairs and to not get drawn in by their fraudulent scam. Please feel welcome to share this post with your friends so the people who really need to be warned will find this information.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 04:39:36 +0000

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