A very Happy Birthday to my firstborn, Sarah Elisabeth - TopicsExpress


A very Happy Birthday to my firstborn, Sarah Elisabeth Richardson......Born on October 4, 1988...I went around yesterday a day off thinking it was the 3rd....when it was actually the 4th...God help me Im losing it... Sarah was born into this world strong and independent.......She pulled herself up on her little hands within the 2nd week of her life...I had never seen a newborn display such strength before or since....My father jokingly swore that at the age of 2, if you turned Sarah loose in the wilderness....shed survive....I believe it!..I named her Sarah Elisabeth because it meant Princess, Devoted to God....What can be more precious than something devoted to Him? As the oldest, the Princess bore all the benefits and mistakes of untrained parenting.....She was a delightful helper with her siblings, bearing a continual responsibility of older sister/mother to her youngest siblings...She has a heart of compassion that excels many....I hear her patience and love in the way she speaks to and handles dementia patients....Its genuine, precious, and rare....As she is..It moves me and inspires me....She is a movie buff, or expert rather......a passion she loves to share with others who are able to keep up with her.....A wonderful mother to her daughter; a hard worker who rarely complains...I am in awe...Happy Birthday Sarah! Love...Mom
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 12:42:55 +0000

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