A very PROUD REPUBLIC DAY to all...I would like to share a few - TopicsExpress


A very PROUD REPUBLIC DAY to all...I would like to share a few initiatives that I took earlier and recently.Though I failed to propagate them very well among the masses maybe due to lack of favourable environment or due to a bit of fear of peoples comments and jokes but now putting all aside here are some of the steps which I took to do my part..They are Dramatic but Effective 1.) Boycott of Child Labour in a silent as well as peaceful manner : Try not to drink, eat or purchase something from a place where a child is made to work.Just a simple(but effective if promulgated) and silent way to protest if we cant stand up and speak against it..This gives us the courage to move to the second step (interaction and understanding of its root cause ) and eventually make us do our part for its elimination. But at least try to follow the first step..its a RAY OF HOPE for a Bright Future(Children= Future) 2.) Contribute just a bit of your money for selfless motives: Feed the hungry, help the needy(it feels great) and while you are doing that interact with them and understand the problems that they usually face and contribute(if possible) to solve them either yourself or with the help of District Administration(its helpful).. 3.)Understand and perform the Fundamental Duties mentioned in the constitution(Article 51a) rather than just enjoying a plethora of rights,always criticizing the govt etc..They are beautifully codified(Google them) 4.) Contribute to Cleanliness Mission on daily basis maybe through your guts to shun the wrong doer and correcting him/her or by doing your part 5.)Strive to become an Ideal citizen by taking reformist initiatives,following certain imperative rules etc. as an Ideal Nation is made by a Idealism of its Citizens. Working in SYNERGY & making it a MASS MOVEMENT will bring the WAVES AND TIDES OF REVOLUTION TO THE SHORE.. Be a part of this soft, polite and in long run, effective change. JAI HIND
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 04:32:36 +0000

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