A very a-m-a-z-i-n-g- conversation with God in this spectacular - TopicsExpress


A very a-m-a-z-i-n-g- conversation with God in this spectacular QHHT session. With information about Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Who was Jesus? He was about you are as I am, so few heard it and was not ready to understand it. now it is different.. you are ready for the truth now, he was about love, he was about freedom... he was about you are as I AM. You are I AM. He had to plant that seed,we were not ready for that message back then but we are ready for the truth now. How does torture and death serve anyone... the focus should be on the message and the love and freedom. Well, it does if you want to set yourself up as someone who must be spoken to if you want to serve God. Did he die on the cross? he was on it and they took him down and they put him in that place and then he was not there All the beautiful things were set aside /erased or lied about. They rolled the stone back, he walked out .. he wasnt feeling very well at the time. Mary Magdalene was a queen, she was his wife... She was his equal, She traveled to France. It was a very hard parting. They parted to protect the child. He was hunted and hunted and hunted and they separated to save her and the child. He went back to the east... India and China. He was old by then, well in those days old was 40. His friend went with him (Ron). Ron knew Jesus all his life.... he was his friend from childhood and seen himself as his protector. All that is around us all the time, but we are not tuned into the different energies, so when you say as above so below.... it is just that our antennas are not tuned into the right radio station. We are talking here about energy, and energy is all around us always. You are limited by the design of what you are and you perceive a tiny, tiny, tiny percentage of what is around you, even of what you are because your processing mechanism which you call your mind can not even begin to handle the amount of information that is what you are , so you must pick and choose. there is with in you a piece of god which knows truth and when you hear it, when you see it .. that tiny piece will... hmm each of you perceive it a little differently...some of you call it a gut feeling.... Sometimes you feel a hart flutter/chills / a shift, mostly you just know . but so many times you just know but you just dont listen. You know so much more than you even allow yourself to think about because if it were true , it would shatter your world.. and that is okay. Ron (subject) says that he awoke recently to an impression of being in a huge Theater, seeing a meeting of leaders that was not of this world. what was that? This council you would say has happened, you would say will happen and we will say has always happened.. you all go there, well.. to the various councils. You all make the plans, you all create the creations, you all dont know that. Some say they are higher beings, but we are all equal, no one is higher than another and we all have a say in the creation process. If you want to open your mouth and say... well that is honored, but if you dont, well you were there. Those councils never adjourn, they are always happening. but more and more of you are remembering being there when you do as he did in your dream time. Some of you interpret that as he did, others say I was on the ships. it does not matter what your mind creates, it is the same thing. As you remember being able to voice your preferences , being able to make your choices , you will find that your lives will totally change. You will know after all that you do create them and it is not His or Her or Their responsibility. and the things that we are so afraid of are not to be feared, because one of you created them too. So if you can create something.. eventually you can learn that is can be dis created, there is no need to suffer. It was useful, you learned a lot of good things, you will help a lot of others.. when you are not celebrating, you deserve that. Council of elders having a review on the Earth school and the suffering. What has been done, we have said let it be over... there is much more useful, much happier things that you all can be doing. When Earth was originally created it was paradise, it was a place where you could come for a vacation, being a lobster for instance. None of this suffering/tribulation and trial existed back then. and at first animals did not eat animals. Since then, the overall vibrations of your world has dropped some, but even with animals eating animals , all of these other things that you invented was not necessary. It was a paradise for far longer than it has been a hell. And we wish you to be in paradise again, wherever you choose that to be. So of you think you are fro Sirius, or Lyra or Aldebera... or wherever. We are going to see you learn that home is not somewhere else, home is where you are . and eventually you will look around, seeking for something to do because you have had enough of celebrating for the moment and you will see other places that are not yet as fortunate as you have become. And then you will discover why you have done, what you have done. To them, you are going to have a hard time to stop them worshiping you , just as Jesus or Budda has had. I am not to be worshiped.. they all said that. which of them said I will start a new religion? Not one. Clairaudience is having the ability to talk to another being with your mind.... It is a very hard thing for you to learn in your world/ knowing that this other being is another part of you because we are all one. And you have been forcibly taught otherwise for thousands and thousands of years. There is a man for who you must speak in order to talk to God, how silly is that? all of the Saint Germains, Melchizadeks and Angels are part of god are part of god and therefore they are part of you. You can teach your senses to that energy be something that resembles sound. This moment that we are in right now is merely a magnified moment of what he feels when he is Channeling and he still doesnt feel comfortable with the face that he can turn away from your talk board Susan and begin to type you see he has tried to write all his life and blank pages stare at him for days. and yet he turns and he begins to type and before he knows it there are five or six hundred words perfectly arranged in nice little paragraphs as if he had spent three days editing them. So what you are saying is that he should trust the process? you would think by now he had started to do so, but he has not. With things happening in the heavens he tells us not to fear, our world is not going to be destroyed. He mentions the Comet over Russia that exploded, he tells us that that was divine intervention. With much more interesting information it is really worth a listen for those who are interested in the information presented in this regression.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 13:57:04 +0000

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