A very beloved sister asked me for this article, it was written by - TopicsExpress


A very beloved sister asked me for this article, it was written by someone I do know and for those of you who know my history with the person that wrote this article, will realize it took nothing short of a miracle for me to go to the author and ask for this, it was published in a newsletter by a large Messianic Congregation a few years ago....but no longer remains online available so I had to go to the source...and it wasnt easy but I did it... I thought I should probably share it with everyone after going off about this earlier today...so Here it is... What does YAHshua actually mean in English? 11 July 2010 at 15:20 Earlier today I was browsing Facebook pages that belong to people who are on my friends list when I came across a sister who uses the Hebrew word YAHshua to describe our Master. This is the message I sent her. I would love your comments below - especially if you disagree with the conclusions of this note. However, I ask that you respect this conversation and take the time to review my references. My dear sister, I noticed your profile just now and it brought a smile to my face to read Jeremiah 6:16 and how we are to walk on the ancient paths. That is a wonderful verse. Next, I noticed that you call our Master by the word yah-shua (יהשוע). I have something very, very important to share with you about that Hebrew construct. First, it isnt even a word in Hebrew. It isnt found once in Scripture, but the real Name of our Master, Yeshua (ישוע) is found 30 times in the Tanach (29 times in Hebrew and once in Aramaic). It is something that someone fabricated and it has spread throughout our circles. In Nehemiah 8:17, the Hebrew text says Yeshua ben Nun (ישוע בן–נון) when referring to Joshua who led us into the Promised Land (Strongs says Yehoshua, but the actual Hebrew text says Yeshua). We see here that using Yeshua for Yehoshua is perfectly acceptable. You may know that it is supposed to mean YAH and saves. You may have heard that shua (שוע) means saves. Actually, the Hebrew verb for to save is yasha (ישע). The word shua (שוע) does mean something, but what it does actually mean will shock you. The two words are related. The verb shua is the PUAL form of yasha. A pual verb form takes the verb and intensifies it and shifts its focus to the subject. Instead of the verb describing something the subject is doing, the verb describes something that IS BEING DONE TO THE SUBJECT. That is what a Hebrew pual verb form does. The following document will introduce you to this concept: depts.washington.edu/bibheb/files/VerbStems.pdf What yah-shua actually means is not that YAH saves us, but that YAH cries out for help, God forbid. It means the opposite of what our Saviours Name actually means. Do you understand the significance of that? It is blasphemy. When someone says YAHshua in Hebrew theyre actually saying that YAH cries out for help. Theyre saying that YAH needs someone to save Him, God forbid! It is foolishness and wickedness. Im sure that hasatan laughs whenever he hears someone say such a blasphemous thing. I dont know the origin of this blasphemy, but I hope that you will carefully consider your involvement with it. I realise that this will come as a shock to you, since so many are using this word and are convinced that it is perfectly right. You will be skeptical of what I have told you because you probably have never heard this before and Im some stranger you dont know. So, I hope that you will invest a little of your time to listen to the following lecture. It will help you to understand this better. The lecture also contains many more excellent teachings concerning the Name of God and is much more important that this note. messiahalive/thename1.htm If you are convinced that what I have told you is true I would appreciate a short reply to tell me that you have received this message with the love it was intended.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 19:56:20 +0000

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