A very curious thing happened to me today. I posted a news article - TopicsExpress


A very curious thing happened to me today. I posted a news article about the billionaire Wilks brothers, and how one of them has joined with the Kochtipus of uber wealthy, to spend money to get the government they want. I posted this story at a few groups that I belong to, one of which is The Elizabeth Warren Fan Club. After a few minutes, I had gotten a couple of likes, and a comment from TEWFC. I went to the group to see what the comment was about, and saw that a person named Ralph Emmerson had posted a graphic with a photo of Hilary Clinton, and a message of how the Clinton Family supports GMOs. I then commented, asking Ralph Emmerson what he was trying to say about the Wilks brothers story with his graphic. About 10 minutes later, I saw that there had been a reply from Mr. Emmerson, so I clicked on the link. What I found was I had been deleted from TEWFC, and blocked from it also. There was a similar incident about 6 weeks ago, but I was simply deleted, but not blocked. At that time, I simply joined the group again, and reposted my story. The group administrator told me he had not deleted me, and investigated it. He could find no evidence of my being deleted. We both Just shrugged it off, and let it go. This time, I have no way of returning, because I am blocked. It is, for me, as though the group simply does not exist. To add to this mystery, when I attempted to look for groups titled The Elizabeth Warren Fan Club, there was one which had slightly more than 600 members...certainly not the participation of the group I had been an active part for the past year. So, since many of my friends belong to many of the same groups that I do, Im hoping that one of you will contact the administrator of TEWFC, and advise him of my plight. We spoke a few times during my first forced departure, and I found him to be a man of reason and goodwill, a gentleman. His name presently escapes me, unfortunately, but he is the only administrator, as I recall. Thank you for reading my little tale of FB censurship, and a special thank you to the friend who will assist me in returning to TEWFC.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 01:07:02 +0000

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