A very dear and beautiful friend of mine died of this when she was - TopicsExpress


A very dear and beautiful friend of mine died of this when she was 20..We danced West Side Story on stage .One would never knew from looking at her what she had to go through daily just to live, to eat to sleep ..What life did not give her in one way..she had in abundance in another beauty her look stop one dead in their tracks, her skin ,eyes, grey with a tint of blue, her walk , her voice was the perfect sound. I liked her on sight and grew to love her the more I knew her. She took me to her home and showed me the bubble she had to sleep under , the numerous pills she had to take just to eat one meal ...During this she was smiling and her voice carried no sign or being negative or hurt or mad... Looking at her I could feel sorry even though I wanted to , I couldnt feel pity I just felt energy and passion for her , I wanted to hug her be close with her , not because of what she has to go through or to comfort her , but to hold such a awesome girl, , and seeing how i looked at her she came into my arms ... I never asked her how it felt to take all those pills just to eat or how it felt having to sleep under the bubble.. I took her out to eat . I prepared where we sat, (she love sitting in the mist of action , so that is where we sat.. I had the chief prepared the meal the way she could eat ( it was not easy ,but I dont do easy, anything worth while is worth constant effort, look at your breathing ) and we had ...Her personality , her outlook on life, her energy ....What a woman...It is not true just because you are beautiful on the outside that you are not also awesome on the inside...I learnt so much about life from her... There is nothing in live that should ever make you negative or down or lack energy and one should always smile and laugh.. She never looked at life as not fair, or asked Why Me. She is no longer alive it has been years now that she moved on, her energy is still alive..She is awesome and I miss her.....dane
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 13:02:52 +0000

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