A very good morning my most beloved family. As our eyes and hearts - TopicsExpress


A very good morning my most beloved family. As our eyes and hearts awaken, we find that Sabbath has neatly been gifted us to which I say with all my heart Thank You Most Adored Father. As everyone is running around, receiving family and guests and all the preparation work that the holidays bring, I hope that youve found blessings in it all. This morning I ask that you turn your attention to the verse found in 2 Corinthians 5: 21, God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God. Oh the sacrifices we all have made throughout our lifetime or have been made on behalf of us. There were sacrifices made by our parents whose dreams and aspirations for us their children had no bounds, the sacrifices we made in school to keep up our studies and grades, the sacrifices we make when we find the one to maybe be appealing to them, the sacrifices we may have to make daily just to keep our households and lives running as they should. Yes weve made and will continue to make sacrifices while were still alive and that just comes with living. Now lets turn our focus to the ultimate sacrifice made by our Father God. When I was younger and much more naive, I have to admit that the God I read about in the old testament seemed to be so angry with sending floods, destroying cities, dispersing plagues, etc. It really wasnt until I realized the point He was trying to get across did I fully understand our Fathers actions. With the best and most loving intentions, our Papa God created an entire universe that He took great pleasure and pride in. Painstakingly He created every living thing which included plants, oceans, night and day all for a bigger goal He had in mind, humans. But even from the start, humans made a sacrifice that changed the course of history. They sacrificed a life of paradise for what they thought would be intelligence that could outsmart our Creator. And in exploring the stories of the old testament, God had reason for being upset as what He intended to be good and holy, was ruined all by the hand of man. Then He did something that not even the best parent in the world could do. He sent His Son, a most beautiful being whose soul is as pure and white as the new fallen snow and sent Him to earth to be born in a dark cave and then to be tortured and crucified absorbing all the while our darkest and dirtiest sins with Him. And He did this all for you and me. Like any parent looking for a solution to keep His children safe and ensure their eternal well being, our Father made not only a history changing decision, but the ultimate sacrifice as He already knew His most Beloved Sons destiny even before He arrived all those thousands of years ago in Bethlehem. Talk about a Fathers love! What are our sacrifices we are making this holiday season? The sacrifices are really not hard if we truly want to make them. Our Papa God wants us to sacrifice our pride, our selfishness, our lack of empathy for those whose lives are in turmoil for one reason or the other. By us sacrificing and giving up those things be them materialistic or emotionally that weigh us down and dont allow the steady flow of Gods love to rule our lives continuously, we are opening the floodgates of our hearts to live our lives in the light. Parents and grandparents, uncles and aunts, let us also not forget to teach these values to our young ones. Before the X-Box or Beats Headphones are given, we are obligated to tell them and try to get them to understand fully what an important sacrifice was made for all of us and as nice it is to get what they want for Christmas, they also need to realize those gifts wont get them to heaven. My beautiful family, is our Papa God asking for you to sacrifice what ever isnt working out in your life for the gifts of peace and contentment and the knowledge were nothing without His say so? Papa God isnt angry with anyone, Hes disappointed in decisions He hasnt been consulted on just because He knows without His input, things can go dangerously awry quickly. In all that is the merriment of the season, lets all promise to sacrifice just a bit more of ourselves to proclaim the glorious news that For God loved the world, He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not die but live eternally with Him. Id sacrifice everything I have to show our Father my gratitude and undying devotion as He did for us. How about you? Family may your day and heart be filled this glorious Sabbath with joy unceasing. Have a most beautifully blessed day which it shall be when with a grateful heart you make it your day.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 14:36:56 +0000

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