A very good question...UK laws. Just wanted to ask - TopicsExpress


A very good question...UK laws. Just wanted to ask a....probably silly question about the new dangerous dog act.......I have a Rottie so have always been aware that we have to be so much more careful than other dog owners, not that either of my Rotts have ever shown any aggression to any dog or person and my first Rott was attacked many times by staffies and jacks, the only time she ever came close was when two lurcher type dogs chasing a deer in the woods attacked me and that was when I was on the ground with torn jeans and two dogs over me, never did find the owner. My question is, we have 6ft wood fencing and a 6ft solid gate with MY ROTTIE LIVES HERE and DOGS RUNNING FREE KEEP OUT..its locked at all times when she is out but people do still try to come in, I am very aware of safely and dog thefts so I would never leave it open, does this give me any rights or have we responsible dog owners really got none? I dont mind if you use this question but please dont use my name.....
Posted on: Tue, 27 May 2014 18:59:02 +0000

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