A very interesting post by John Morley many of his points i agree - TopicsExpress


A very interesting post by John Morley many of his points i agree with 100% If you are also in agreement please copy and paste to stop it getting deleted. Original post https://facebook/notes/john-morley/averting-a-sectarian-war-by-exiling-muslims/10152754978513089?comment_id=10152764037623089¬if_t=comment_mention Averting a sectarian war by exiling Muslims > Introduction Please create a note in your notes and copy the text from my note to yours to overcome this being deleted. This note is still in need of some tidying up so please keep checking the original for revisions. This note attempts to convey a suggestion for how to avoid a sectarian war in the UK. It is a pretty good blue print for several other countries in a similar position. In addition it attempts to explain: Why the war is inevitable if we do nothing. Why the problem is being allowed to escalate > The statistics Please skip this section and scroll down to the plan if you already know this bit... There are roughly 3.1 million people ascribing to an uncompromising ideology which clearly advocates the subjugation of the 61 million infidels in the UK. Currently our total population is 64.1 million Sources: ons.gov.uk/ons/taxonomy/index.html?nscl=Population ons.gov.uk/ons/rel/pop-estimate/population-estimates-for-uk--england-and-wales--scotland-and-northern-ireland/2013/stb---mid-2013-uk-population-estimates.html Currently, the Islamic population is approximately 3.1 million (extrapolated from a figure of 2,786,635 in the 2011 census and then roughly adjusted to allow for the effects of births and immigration) Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demography_of_the_United_Kingdom Though immigration is still a big factor, nearly half of all Muslims were born in the UK. Source: ons.gov.uk/ons/rel/census/2011-census/detailed-characteristics-for-local-authorities-in-england-and-wales/rpt---religion.html This means we are approaching a tipping point where births in the UK are the largest driving factor. In my view if I were to identify births for Muslims and compare that to immigration, we have already passed that point. During the five years leading to the 2011 census an average of 64,000 Muslim babies were born each year. Source: dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2536930/One-ten-babies-England-Muslim-Those-practising-religion-soon-outnumber-actively-worshipping-Christians.html This figure is 320,000 babies aged 0 to 4 and then divided by 5 The rate by the end of that term would have been higher and at the start lower. The rate has subsequently increased and will continue. The only possible way of avoiding the war is for Islam to sweep in and take the government and for the Islamoskeptics to be rounded up and murdered. Or else for us to be successful in any or all of the following suggested strategems We have three ways of averting the need to kill Muslims and be killed by Muslims in a sectarian war. 1. Convince Muslims that either there is no Allah or that Mohammad was not his messenger (easy to do but zero likelihood of this with our level of incompetence in the public sector). 2. Exile Muslims as enemies because their religion (by the admission of their own clerics) makes them our enemies. Source: dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2905075/Hate-preacher-backs-massacres-says-Britain-enemy-Islam.html 3. Encourage them to reform their religion in the same way the Christians and Jews did with their religions. Extremely difficult to do because their god spoke to them one messenger only (Mohammad) and his words are recorded in the Quran. Also, Allah (their god) told them (via Mohammad) that Mohammad was the perfect example of a human being and is to be emulated by al muslims. An indepth look at what he did with the last ten years of his life demonstrates his actions were identical to those of ISIS now. Source: thereligionofpeace/muhammad/myths-mu-home.htm Whatever we do, the sooner it happens the better our chances as currently there are just 3.1 million of them to 61 million of us infidels. A sectarian war or else an Islamic coup is a 100% certainty if we dont achieve one of these three options soon. Every Muslim knows this. Every infidel who genuinely knows Islam also knows this. If you imagine there is even a 1% chance of averting a blood bath without one of those three options then you are either ignorant or stupid! > Plan for involuntary Emmigration I deal with revision/reformation of Islam in other notes as I also deal with convincing them that there is no Allah and even if there were Mohammad sure as hell wasnt his messenger. So this note deals with how to deport the ideology of Islam from our land. Here is how you do it. > Step one: You introduce a tax for Muslims called the Jizyer. It is specified in Sharia law that all infidels in an Islamic country must pay Jizyer tax or convert to avoid being killed. So all we are doing here is accepting their Sharia law in a reciprocal manner. We replace the punishment of death for non payment with the punishment of exile. You would imagine their imams would be pleased to hear of us adopting their sharia law but somehow in the back of my mind I doubt it. When we have run out of extremists and their families to deport, non payment of this Jizyer will be a useful way in which to identify who needs deporting. It wil also help finance the operation though our returns will diminish as the Islamic community are emmigrated or renounce their ideology. Where they would murder us non payment of Jizyer, we merely exile them so we are being far more respectful of human life than they are. We cant simply pick up 3 million people and throw them out of our country so non payment of the Jizyer helps figure out who is going and who is staying. £12.50 per week for every man, woman and child adds up to 37.5 million pounds per week if everyone pays. I doubt everyone will pay. It is only £50 per week for a family of four but it gets a bit expensive when you have 4 wives and a flock of children. We build a detention centre capable of holding 500 to 800 people depending on family sizes etcetera for short term containment of people awaiting a flight. Each detention centre has a large aircraft capable of carrying 200 passengers and enough people to control them. We use an aircraft which does not need to have a pressurised hull thereby avoiding a catastrophe if it is hit by shrapnel from within or without. This detention centre is located near to whichever runway is closest to the largest Islamic enclave in the country. Police and if necessary, military are tasked with rounding up 250 people from that enclave. As the groundwork is completed for the first detention centre, the groundworkers then relocate to the site of a second detention centre site located adjacent to the nearest runway to the second biggest Islamic enclave in the UK. As the construction phase is completed on the first centre, construction workers relocate to the site prepared at site two. In all we need a minimum of ten such centres around the UK. This is to avoid massive logistical problems moving people around and also because we need to remove at least 2,000 people per day to have any impact. With ten centres running normally removing 200 people per centre per day 5 days a week 50 weeks a year we can remove half a millin people per year. It will initially sound like a very unlikely plan. Now for the good news: If you look real close we have already done it. There are big detention centres for removing unwanted people all over the UK (so I thumb my nose to you skeptics who think it will never happen) and all I am suggesting is increasing the throughput. If we need more centres building then build them following my blue print which reduces the distances people need to be conveyed. A fifth of the distance between the enclave and the centre means a fifth of the buses need to convey people. It is likely, we already have enough physical capacity and the only problem is people being held too long. So it is merely a matter of people being held for a 20th of the time for the centre to be able to deport 20 times as many people then do that. My plan is twofold: We identify and ease the bottleneck. We extend the scope of those who must be exiled. Currently we merely expel those who have no legal right to be here under current legislation. If we modify the legislation to include anyone who is percieved to be a security risk this would ease the burden on our security services and help expel Islam focussing on its most dangerous supporters first. If we further modify the legislation to include those who are behind on their Jizyer payments then this allows us identify a further large group within their community to expel. I noticed that the French security services reckon they need a team of 20 people to physically keep track of each Islamic fundamentalist. So by removing 200 of those people in the first day you free up 4,000 police to do something else such as watch 200 others who have been left unwatched previously. My greatest fear is we will mop up the wrong people. Genuinely dangerous people will denounce genuinely harmless people. The security services will protect their sources in order to keep the flood of seemingly brilliant but genuinely useless information flooding in. They already work hand in hand with Imams not understanding that they coordinate all the terrorism and have done throughout the history of Islam. Genuiney loyal Britons among the Islamic community foolishly report information directly to the police betraying their identities and the Imams are then told who they are and they are murdered. Such incidents stem the future flow of information. I have only heard this through rumour but it fits the general pattern I have notice in my lifetime for our government. We have friends among the muslims who are either secular and dont understand their own religion or else dont even believe in Allah but are too afraid to admit it because even in the UK they murder apostates. A system which does not assume competency in our security services and imposes trial by jury would be a good idea given how absurd things sometimes get in our teflon coated public sector. > Where we send these people We need to forget about getting agreement from the nations we remove people to. We need to be absolutely honest with them and with ourselves and openly state they are our enemies in the same way they openly state we are their enemies. We need to parachute drop our deportees over the countries we identify as valid reception centres. We give detainees a choice of three possible countries to be dropped over. The daily flight goes to the country which the greatest number of passengers wants to go to. So if 200 of 500 detainees have selected Iran whereas 150 have selected Saudi Arabia and 150 have selected Somalia then the passengers who want to go to Iran get deported that day. There is no other way of doing this on the scale I am suggesting. Even with ten centres each dispatching a planeload of 200 passengers every day, It will take a whole year to deport just half a million. During that time they will increase their numbers through immigration, giving birth and conversion by perhaps 560,000 people immigrated to the UK in the year ending March 2014 Source: ons.gov.uk/ons/rel/migration1/migration-statistics-quarterly-report/august-2014/index.html Though two thirds appear to be EU citizens, many of them were muslim. Among non EU citizens the majority appear to be Muslim. > An historical precedent for an Islamic coup Catholicism managed this with just 20% of the Western Empire as Christian in 325 AD. Islam might achieve this sometime around 2035 AD or later. There was a belated and ultimately unsuccessful attempt by the pagans to stop it in run up to takeover but they waited too long and did not have the freehand which Catholic history writers tell us they had. In the same way as Christianity plunged us into the dark ages so will Islam. Human development was robbed of about 1500 years of development by the Catholic takeover. There is no telling when we will finally recover from Islam if we ever do. Islam is even harder to twist into a peace loving religion than Christianity was because its key holy figure led a band of robbers and lived a lifestyle whch comprised robbery, rape, torture, murder and enslavement. All these anti social acts are thus enshrined in doctrine as virtuous. > Why this nightmare keeps un escalating ignored by our leaders Allow me to explain why our leaders are ignoring the problem and allowing a seemingly obvious problem to escalate out of control. Three factors are at play here. 1. They think the problem is nothing to do with Islam and that the terrorists are misunderstanding the Quran. I too once thought this due to being lied to by the BBC and multiple other untrustworthy sources. They will not approach the British Council of ex-Muslims, the EDL, or any person who is Islamoskeptic because they imagine being biased against Islam means people will tell them untruths and they dont imagine being a practicing Muslim would make someone biased in favour of Islam and lie about it. Ever since the Assassination Kaab Ibn Al-Ashraf (one of the first prominent Islamoskeptics who said Mo was a fraud) they have realised that lying is an essential tactic not merely in Assassinations but in the furtherance of the cult in general. 2. Where they do finally get it or understand it just enough to realise Islam is a problem, they can not say a thing because those around them will oust them. They will lose their careers, their friends, maybe also their lives and to top it all there might be embarrassing pictures of them out there to finish off the job of discrediting them. 3. They are meeting secular Muslims who have been educated in normal schools and only know about Islam from peeking at the Quran without anyone showing them which hadiths explain the meaning and context of which verses in the Quran. Even the secular Muslims are raised with a cult mentality to some degree and where they see an opportunity they too will lie to protect their culture. Mostly we infidels are ignorant. Even those who likely do understand our fate (e.g. George Galloway) appear to back it for some inexplicable reason. We are kept ignorant by intentionally misleading information claiming Islam is the religion of peace. An example of how people like myself have been misled is the BBC three hour series about the life of Mohammad where Rageh Omar tells a pack of lies the whole way through. It is spine chilling to watch when you know the truth which Omar chooses to conceal. This link gives you the facts which our television wont and points you at all its sources. thereligionofpeace/Muhammad/myths-mu-home.htm Some wonder how come there is no reaction as the number of muslims steadily rises. Lets take a look at a recent extreme example in the New York Times... Is Islam violent? I would say absolutely not, Mr. Fish said in an interview. There is very little empirical evidence that Islam is violent. In case you think there are no experts stupid or dishonest enough to say that or journalist stupid or dishonest enough to publish it, here is my source. nytimes/2015/01/09/world/europe/raising-questions-within-islam-after-france-shooting.html?emc=edit_th_20150109&nl=todaysheadlines&nlid=60539481&_r=3 There clearly is empirical evidence. The percentage chance of you being a terrorist and murdering people for religion is many times greater if you are a Muslim than if you have any other belief system. You do not need to see any survey to figure it out though plenty have been done. Empirical evidence includes: The Quran, The hadiths, History and what little information makes it into the News. The religion was itself founded by a terrorist and he is the perfect role model according to doctrine based on Mo stating that Allah (via the angel Gabriel). So if your perfect role model broke every taboo in modern secular societies and also in all normal religions then its case closed the proof is there. Also we have not one single example in all history of a large Muslim minority ever living peacably with their infidel hosts. It has never happened on even one single occasion in 1,400 years. Even the Quran does not say exterminate all infidels (though it does say to expel them from from the Arabian Peninsula and it does in the final Sura describe an entire world under Islam. Somehow this doctrine though appearing to give Infidels the option of paying Jizyer (providng we never criticise Islam) actually always leads to intermittent progroms which ultimately wipe us out.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 10:48:59 +0000

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