A very intriguing claim, and really changed how I view Coach - TopicsExpress


A very intriguing claim, and really changed how I view Coach Jackson a bit... thoughts? Warriors have the most possessions with two or less passes and are top 5 in possessions that end in isolations or postups. Yet no one on the staff realizes that this team has no one that can repeatedly take advantage of postup sets. They have guys that need to slash, drive and kick, hit spot up shots, get hockey assists. Also there is no discipline at all, hence the fundamental errors since no one gets punished for screwing up routine plays except a light talking to. These bad habits have been brushed aside and allowed to marinate and taint the entire locker room. Then you have the foolish chase for 50 wins, I could understand if the team could have beaten Denver, San Antonio, Washington, Charlotte, New York, Cleveland more than once prior to where they had a legit shot to matchup on Houston but when Bogut went down, it made no sense to line up on a team that defensive strength is eliminating 3 point shots and has a massive frontcourt advantage. The team was better equipped to play small ball and send waves of defenders at Durant versus this mess of letting Blake and DJ run wild. Maybe if there were smarter, more flexible minds around to assist Coach which leads me to for a guy that strengths is keeping composure and being a great motivator, this team has constantly come out flat and unprepared game after game with minimal signs to show any adjustments to improve long term. Now toss in the dysfunction with the coaching staff and front office, I dont see these strengths holding their weight on or off the court. I know it’s hard to admit for some because they love “his character” but the coach has a Napoleon complex and seems pretty close-minded about foreign opinions and suggestions unless you bow down and kiss his feet and don’t talk back. If Erman was spying for Lacob, MJ could just sue right on the spot once he found out, Lacob is not out to ruthlessly get MJ, he’s given him ample opportunity to prove his mettle, times have changed, expectations are higher Lacob has nothing to do with Cohan and Riley. You can’t blame him for how low they set the bar. He’s actually trying to win games, not sit back and sell false hope and dupe STH’s with 35 win seasons. He properly tanked the 2011 season to maximize the teams assets and it has paid off beautifully, for the most part, in the roster turnaround. This team has nothing to do with the old regime, this team had a top 5 point differential. Better than the likes of Miami, Indiana, and Houston – to quote an overrated coach – Warriors: “you’re better than this”. How many Clippers fans cried over Del Negro being let go? Do Hawks fans miss Mike Woodson or Larry Drew? Imagine if the Lakers decided to pass on Phil Jackson and ride it out with Del Harris? Where would Dallas be if they kept Avery Johnson and didn’t scoop up Rick Carlisle? The players are winning in spite of the coach, the defense isnt even the same without Bogut. When Iguodala comes off the floor, Redick and Crawford have field days. Blake has his way when Draymond isnt guarding him. Then on offense, Doc is basically shutting down Curry every game with the same 1/2 court trap scheme and the Warriors show little adjustment unless guys get injured or are in foul trouble. Is there a reason to invite a second defender with a BS screen by Lee over and over? Speaking of Lee and his albatross contract(thanks again old regime Lacob had nothing to do with), this guy has become so hollow on the court. You cant expect him to do any little things to make the team better, the coach constantly posts him up against DJ. Now is that Lee fault for following orders and just naturally sucking at something he naturally sucks at? Whoever the Warriors shooting coach is needs to be fired, look at how Bob Thate has improved BG’s jumper(or how the Spurs completely re-tooled Kawhi’s shot in under two years), yet the Warriors players seem to get worse at shooting consistently, especially from the free throw line. Lee is a broken mess and he, along with Jackson, needs to go to improve the potential of this team. This team reeks of mediocrity and underachievement and it all starts with the leader of the troops and it has a trickle down effect via lack of accountability. You dont go into luxury tax to constantly look overmatched in the playoffs barring your star player playing in a 5th dimension. I know it hurts to bring up these comparisons for some but the Raiders clearly went to the super bowl in 2002 in spite of Bill Callahan’s inept coaching ability and Curry is becoming the superstar version of Alex Smith, basically being held back by having bad coaches. A drunk, half-assing Nelson was the best coach Curry has had to date. I’m not sure how many 9ers fans doubted Smith but I think by the time Harbaugh had a year with him it was clear that his previous coaches had no clue how to utilize his skillset and properly mask his weaknesses. I mean let’s face it, if the players are playing for Jackson’s job, this is the worst case of defense I’ve seen. Plus players say a lot of fluff in public to keep tensions calm. JON said he would not play for another coach(which became Rick Carlisle) if the Pacers fired Isiah Thomas. And at this point, the multiple levels of dysfunction among Jackson, Erman, Scalabrine vs Myers, West, Lacob and Myers basically lays it out. If the above noted stipulation of WCF or bust wasn’t blunt enough for you, there it is. But truth be told, it didnt take one or two bad losses in the playoffs to get that pink slip written up, it was the constant underachievement throughout the regular season, lack of adjustments, not being able to cover for injuries, misutilization of former players and newly acquired players who played better when they weren’t Warriors, using the same bland tactics over and over to no avail. And now the ego is carrying a cloud over the organization. I’m willing to take a chance on Kerr due to his much more in depth experience as an executive(like Poppovich in GSW before leaving for SAS) and being around the two best coaches the last 30 years and playing with two of the 10 best players ever and basically being a humble guy that understands all levels of NBA roles. If Kerr doesn’t work out, I’ll own it but Jackson instills little confidence to retain him and thats why I’m ready to move on. He’s just run of the mill, if he wants to go coach New York, let him toil in that mess by starbury_to_s-jaxci2000 on Apr 30, 2014 | 9:38 AM Jeremy Fuentes Ben Trinh Sam Hsieh Kevin Vo, and any other number of GSW fans that read deep into their play style
Posted on: Thu, 01 May 2014 00:05:48 +0000

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