A very long read but an interesting take on current affairs - TopicsExpress


A very long read but an interesting take on current affairs ------------------------- This week marked the 69th anniversary of the atomic bomb, which dropped on Nagasaki, thus putting into the history books the end of World War II. On August 9th, 1945 at 11:02 a.m. a force carrying the equivalent of 22,000 tons of TNT fell into the shipbuilding city and vaporized it. The result? Japan surrendered to the Allied Forces shortly afterward. I remember growing up in the 1970s in rural Indiana. A time when most WW II vets were still well into their working years, now crested with middle age. I went to a strict Catholic school in Aurora, Indiana whose curriculum included the weekly reading of the Catholic Telegraph. The newspaper used to commemorate on the two bombs dropped in 1945 as well. The tragic loss of human life. How civilians were massacred in large numbers. And today I read similar excerpts, usually from the weak knee’d Progressive who was not even a thought when our young men stormed Normandy and Iwo Jima. How the terrible U.S. of A. is the only nation that has actually used atomic force– on civilians at that. Why oh why would we do that? he cries. Well, let’s look back on that inconvenient history book again that plagues the anti reason of liberal worldview. You see, our grand country actually tried to avoid WWII. We probably stayed out of it longer than we should have. But there we were, minding our own business one sunny day in this little place called Pearl Harbor. And on December 7th, 1941 Japan attacked us. Leveled us with the massive air strike. I don’t remember that history book telling a tale of us provoking Japan prior to their attack on our soil. You see, folks, back then we in America understood the concept of enemy. And Japan declared itself our enemy and acted on that declaration. They also stated their nation would fight down to the last child if need be. And they weren’t a cordial foe back then. Their P.O.W. camps made a few of the German ones look like resorts. They operated with extreme brutality. And we flattened two of their cities, killed a few hundred thousand and consequently–they gave up. They brought the massive destruction of the atomic bomb on themselves. And they deserved what they got. Period. We also leveled Dresden in Germany. Dresden was a haven for the Third Reich. It doesn’t really matter whether Average German Joe in 1945 supported the Third Reich, was afraid of the Third Reich or was indifferent to the Third Reich. They harbored them. So they paid the price. Tens of thousands of Germans were vaporized as well. And the bombing on Dresden marked the beginning of the end for Hitler’s empire of evil. We don’t understand the concept of enemy today. We don’t even understand the concept of war. Or should I say the half of us who consider themselves ”Progressive” don’t. They are fine with a war as long as no civilians are ever killed. As long as we don’t label our enemy with unflattering rhetoric. As long as the people who harbor and live among our enemy aren’t offended. Can you imagine Patton’s pre Normandy speech given today? He would be immediately relieved of command before the spittle dried on the mike. But do you know who does understand the word enemy? Our ally who we fair weather friend when it suits our purpose. That little country known as Israel. Israel is surrounded on all fronts by Islam. And every Muslim believes the Jew should be driven to the sea. Because by axiom the first enemy to the Muslim is the Jew. And the rest of the infidels follow the Star of David’s shine. I have even seen a documentary where an Israeli doctor is treating a Palestinian woman while she states to him the Jew should be driven to the sea. She actually said it to his face. This would be the non radical Muslim the almighty Progressive keeps telling me about, mind you. Israel has every right to use whatever force they need to protect themselves. They have the right to be as brutal as they want, whenever they want, and as long as they want. Actually, I am baffled by their show of restraint. This is Palestine’s fault. They harbor Hamas. They support Hamas. And they hate the Jew. Israel should pound them to dust until there is no more Palestine or the country surrenders and withdraws. Palestine wails when their children die? Then stop being the aggressors to Israel. And stop telling me it is only Hamas. It is an Arab Muslim mentality. Even in the grand ”civilized” Kuwait they do not recognize the Israeli stamp on the passport as a legitimate country. So do not expect sympathy from me on their Muslim civilians who get caught in Israel’s crosshairs. If anything we should take notes from Israel. Do you think Israel would bring up charges on a member of their Mossad for punching a terrorist in the mouth? No, we in America do that on our Navy S.E.A.L.s. Do you think Israel will hold back if a sniper is in a mosque? No, only America would do that. Do you think Israel would have rules of engagement that state we must wait until fired upon even though we see the enemy right in front of us? No, only our soldiers had to many times play by those asinine guidelines. Because Israel understands the concept of enemy. We don’t. So Allen West can stop with his we need ground forces now to contain ISIS. We can’t win, West. We don’t have the sand anymore. That sand was left on the beaches of Normandy and Iwo Jima. So this week was the 69th anniversary of Nagasaki. It should be a remembrance—by America. Of what we used to be. Of how we used to handle the enemy. The world is once again on unstable ground. We are due for a World War. And this time we aren’t ready. We will not win if it occurs. So maybe instead of Obama criticizing Israel for defending itself he should sit in their classroom and learn the definition of the word defense. And so should many of the rest of us. Charles Hurst. Author of THE SECOND FALL. An offbeat story of Armageddon. And creator of THE RUNNINGWOLF EZINE
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 06:10:01 +0000

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