A very nice testimonial from author Jennifer J. Slate ... RJ - TopicsExpress


A very nice testimonial from author Jennifer J. Slate ... RJ and I met through my love for true crime. I had read numerous books of his and was avidly following his success on Facebook and Twitter. In early 2014, we struck up a casual conversation, in which I talked about the types of true crime I was really interested in, missing persons and cold cases, while at the same time lamenting over the fact that most books written about those cases are typically just devoted to one case. This led to more conversations on the topic, which led to RJ talking me into writing a book about something that has held my interest for years--missing wives and their suspect husbands. As I began writing and RJ read my drafts, we began to see that we worked incredibly well together as a team and this simply couldnt be just a one-time project. We soon decided to co-author another book together, Social Media Monsters, and RJ gave me the space and guidance to pinpoint other areas of my interests for potential new projects. We already have several ideas lined up for 2015 and 2016. When Missing Wives, Missing Lives published in June of 2014, I wasnt quite sure what to expect. After all, this was my first book, and I have heard story after story about the difficulties other first-time authors face, especially with just one single book. Here is where having RJs support and publishing banner (RJ Parker Publishing, Inc.) really made a difference. In a matter of weeks, my book was showing up as the #1 bestseller on Amazon in multiple categories, including True Crime, Violence in Society, Dysfunctional Relationships, Forensic Psychology, and Biography of Criminals. By August, I was ranking in the top 100 authors under several categories, including Biographies and Memoirs and History. His marketing and promotional skills got me there. RJ is not just my publisher. He has truly become a mentor and a friend to me as I have embarked on this new endeavor in my life. It is an honor and a privilege to work with him and publish my writing under his banner.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 19:58:56 +0000

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