A very short original shot story for your enjoyment. - TopicsExpress


A very short original shot story for your enjoyment. Beware the Lycanthrope This country is the domain of the benevolent King Thaddeus. In days past the King was very happy, the reason for his happiness was his darling baby daughter the Princess Joy. Because of the child’s beaming blue eyes, rose-petal pink cheeks, cherry red lips and golden locks, King Thad and his Queen were always good-natured, and overflowing so with love-filled hearts that their courtiers and servants, down to the least scullions, smiled brightly even when executing their daily chores; all was peace and wellbeing in the realm. The country’s universal happiness ended suddenly during the twelfth year of Princess Joy’s life. Sadly, her too-short life was ended by the vicious attack and mauling of a ravenous wolf. The entire population of King Thad’s country fell into deep mourning for the loss of the child. In retaliation, the King offered a substantial bounty to the person who brought him the Wolf’s head. The Dunbargh brothers, Heck and Willet applied to the King’s sheriff for a permit to enter the wild life preserve to hunt the wolf, albeit, the brothers had an ulterior motive to enter the preserve. After an hour’s trek into the forest, following deer tracks, poachers Heck and Willet decide to use a nearby ledge overhang in a small clearing as the place to set their blind. Resting now, but alert for any movement in the brush, the brothers talk in whispered voices. “Heck, I have heard of queer happenings out here in these woods. Last summer, on the edge of the preserve, I overheard a family of picnickers conversing with a tall, muscular man wearing a hunting cap, green-tint glasses, dark green jacket, riding britches, and Wellington boots. I recognized the man as the nobleman, Baron Jerome Proctor, the warden appointed by the King as overlord and protector of this game preserve. The Baron was telling the family about ancient tales, some say myths, that there used to be in this wild country certain cunning and bloodthirsty werewolves; people who through some bad influence developed the power to change, purposely at will, by use of magic into a wild beast.” Willet Dunbargh continued whispering his story, “Just think of it Heck, it fairly makes me shudder; but the Baron in all sincerity went on to say that these werewolves often feast on human flesh and blood, after having feasted they have the ability to shift their shape into their human selves again. “I think the Baron enjoyed telling his horrid story to the innocent picnickers. He continued by saying many believe that werewolves yet stalk the world today—men and women, and even little children, who, through want and suffering, of foul vice or by some wretched evil eye curse have become vicious beasts. Yet underneath the wolf-skin is the human heart, and through a kind word by a person pure-of-heart in recognition of the fact that they are still human will work the wonder of returning them to their human form.” Being vigilant, the boys fall silent as shadows lengthen and darkness comes under the cover of the forest canopy. Moonlight filters through the towering tree’s leaves and branches casting ghostly shadows on the ground. Suddenly, the sound of gunshots in the distance alerts the brothers to movement in the brush nearby. A large four-footed animal, hobbles into the clearing near the brother’s hiding-place. Arrows are quickly brought to bows and fingers pull taut the hemp bowstring preparing the killing shot. The beast moans a pitiful groan and attempts to stand on its hind legs. The instant well-aimed arrows fly, the beast stands erect, its pelt disappears, and its wolf-like features change into that of a man—the arrows plunge into the creature’s chest; at that same instant the brothers recognize the face of the Baron Jerome Proctor. As the hunters approach the naked corpse, it begins to crumble; no longer flesh and bone, but dust, the killing arrows fall and lie on the earth without a trace of the dead Baron.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 14:25:52 +0000

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