A very warm welcome to all the new members in the Group. This - TopicsExpress


A very warm welcome to all the new members in the Group. This gathering emerged from an extraordinary set of circumstances in February 2013 when two Angelic Beings visited me with a specific set of instructions. This was followed up some six weeks later with the bestowing of the Fractal Decad Integrated Ascension System that facilitates the 144 Lightbody Activation Programme, complete with the technology to jettison Ascension and reconnect to the Central Soul and beyond. Since this time I have been able to help hundreds of reincarnated Cathars, Gnostics and Lightworkers begin to access their true power again. Thousands of you are being drawn to this work, often in the most extraordinary and unusual circumstances and the Curse of Rome, held in your lightbodies for centuries, is being lifted. The result is my clinic is packed day and night as I do my best to see as many as possible within limited time frames. This will change in the future when I choose to appoint others to pass on the Fractal Decad. A growing body of knowledge has emerged around these teachings and I am highly grateful for the fantastic feedback and amazing psychic insights and channeling from many of you subsequently that has expanded and consolidated this remarkable awakening. I should again mention that I am working with the Ascended Masters of the Great White Brotherhood continuously on a daily basis. I am also in virtually constant communion with Angelic Beings and the Cosmic and Galactic Hierarchies. In 2013 I was able to complete an earthy merge with Master Hilarion who overlights the third ray of Creative Intelligence. (Please note the jurisdictions of the rays has changed for some Masters and I will reveal the new positions and the reasons shortly.) This merge has enabled me to sit and commune at the Board of Masters and share insights in both an active and receptive basis. This includes how we may facilitate the next stages of the global awakening. I am also strongly guided and overlit by Sanat Kumara, Master of the Rays, Lord Melchizedek Avatar of Unity Consciousness and Lord Maitreya, the World Teacher, who together form a phenomenal Triune of LOVE, POWER and WISDOM that underpins my ability to transmit the New Fractal Decad Ascension attunements. On the general subject of the Cathars I wanted to share some new information. First the Masters have made it very clear that what is of the most importance is NOT whether someone was a Cathar some 800 years ago but whether they incarnated as part of a high vibrational influx of souls at that time period which parallels the present situation on the planet now. In the South of France an Angelic portal exists that will be cleansed and reactivated shortly. This enabled the influx in the 12th and 13 centuries. Many of the 100,000 plus advanced souls that came through in that general period associated themselves with the Cathar movement but many did not or were just loosely associated. The genocide enacted 1208-1244 was ruthless and affected all who were perceived as different or disobedient to the authorised religious line irrespective of their Cathar ties. A large proportion of those that came through during this period carried what has been described as the Angelic Frequency. Since June of 2013 I have been able to heal the wings of these Angelic ones. What does this mean? The Masters explained that the wings are just a visual metaphor to differentiate those who carry the Angelic frequency from those who do not. The Angelic Ones are largely from the Family of Michael the blue Angel Arch Protector. Last week they described to me the nature of the Angelic Frequency. It means literally an ability to fly close to and reside in the heart of God or Godhead. Universal Intelligence, although omniscient and ever present, has nonetheless a pulsing centre, a Source that emanates pure unconditional love. This centre and intensity is way beyond our finite minds comprehension. The Angelic ones have, during their souls journey, flown much closer to this centre and have therefore encoded in their lightbodies an innate experiential understanding of the beauty and magnificence of the Cosmic Source, its infinite love, power and compassion. Such tends to make life on this planet, in its third dimensional reality, particularly painful and harrowing for these Ones. From my own experience most of the reincarnated Cathars find the greed, violence, lack of integrity and dark side of the human condition a complete anathema to them and profoundly distressing, and many have not wanted to be here at all. This is most understandable as having experienced the loving pulse of the infinite Godhead close hand the contrast is most sickening. AND YET as souls we have chosen to be here, and the healing of the wings means the ability to fly back to the pulsing Source of The Love of the Infinite Godhead is achievable even from this third dimensional standpoint. Brothers and sisters, we are all re-gathering for a vital and supremely important task. Collectively we have the power to raise the vibration of humanity and shift this global paradigm away from fear, pain and separation to love, peace and harmony and in so doing create the Golden Age prophesied by the Hopi Indians. KNOW it, BELIEVE it, LIVE it, LOVE it. Have FUN. Simon Hinton/Master Hilarion
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 06:44:02 +0000

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