A video illustrating the number of times a word and their opposite - TopicsExpress


A video illustrating the number of times a word and their opposite are mentioned in the Quran, Amazing miracle . [Spread The Message, Let Everyone Know] أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله و أشهد أن محمداً رسول الله ﷺ I bear witness that God but Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah ﷺ Ben Tanrı Allah ve Muhammed Allahın elçisidir şahitlik şahitlik ﷺ Ich bezeuge, dass Gott außer Allah und ich bezeuge,dass Muhammad ist der Gesandte Allahs ﷺ Je témoigne que Dieu quAllah et je témoigneque Muhammad est le Messager dAllah ﷺ ﷺ אני מעיד כי אלוהים מבלעדי אללה אני להעיד כי מוחמד הוא שליחו של אללה Doy testimonio de que Dios sino Alá y testifico queMuhammad es el Mensajero de Allah ﷺ Rendo testimonianza che Dio che Allahe io testimonio che Maometto è il Messaggero di Allah ﷺ Eu testemunho que Deus senão Alá e eu testemunho que Muhammad é o Mensageiro de Deus ﷺ Я свидетельствую, что Бога, кроме Аллаха,и я свидетельствую, что Мухаммад Посланник Аллаха ﷺ 我作證,上帝,但真主和我作證,穆罕默德是真主的使者 ﷺ Ik getuig dat God dan Allah en ik getuig dat Mohammed de boodschapper van Allah te dragen ﷺ
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 11:18:24 +0000

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