A voice is heard, crying in the wilderness: Prepare the way of the - TopicsExpress


A voice is heard, crying in the wilderness: Prepare the way of the Lord. – Make straight the path of our God. READINGS First reading From the book of the prophet Isaiah 30:27-33, 31:4-9 Jerusalem is delivered from the power of Assyria See the name of the Lord coming from afar in burning wrath, with lowering clouds! His lips are filled with fury, his tongue is like a consuming fire; His breath, like a flood in a ravine that reaches suddenly to the neck, Will winnow the nations with a destructive winnowing, and with repeated winnowings will he battle against them [and a bridle on the jaws of the peoples to send them astray]. The Lord will make his glorious voice heard, and let it be seen how his arm descends In raging fury and flame of consuming fire, in driving storm and hail. When the Lord speaks, Assyria will be shattered, as he strikes with the rod; While at every sweep of the rod which the Lord will bring down on him in punishment, You will sing as on a night when a feast is observed, And be merry of heart, as one marching along with a flute Toward the mountain of the Lord, toward the Rock of Israel, accompanied by the timbrels and lyres. For the pyre has long been ready, prepared for the king; Broad and deep it is piled with dry grass and wood in abundance, And the breath of the Lord, like a stream of sulphur, will set it afire. Thus says the Lord to me: As a lion or a lion cub growling over its prey, With a band of shepherds assembled against it, Is neither frightened by their shouts nor disturbed by their noise, So shall the Lord of hosts come down to wage war upon the mountain and hill of Zion. Like hovering birds, so the Lord of hosts shall shield Jerusalem, To protect and deliver, to spare and rescue it. Return, O children of Israel, to him whom you have utterly deserted. On that day each one of you shall spurn his sinful idols of silver and gold, which he made with his hands. Assyria shall fall by a sword not wielded by man, no mortal sword shall devour him; He shall flee before the sword, and his young men shall be impressed as laborers. He shall rush past his crag in panic, and his princes shall flee in terror from his standard, Says the Lord who has a fire in Zion and a furnace in Jerusalem. RESPONSORY Isaiah 31:4, 5; 30:29 The Lord of Hosts will come down upon Mount Zion; – like birds on the wing, so will the Lord protect Jerusalem, covering and rescuing it. Your song will befit a night of profound holiness, and your heart will be full of joy. – Like birds on the wing, so will the Lord protect Jerusalem, covering and rescuing it. Second reading From the Imitation of Christ of Thomas a Kempis On humility and peace Do not care much who is with you and who is against you; but make it your greatest care that God is with you in everything you do. Have a good conscience, and God will defend you securely; no one can hurt you if God wishes to help you. If you know how to suffer in silence, you will surely receive God’s help. Since he knows best the time and the way to set you free, resign yourself to him, for God helps you and frees you from all confusion. It is often good for us, and helps us to remain humble, if others know our weaknesses and confront us with them. When a man humbles himself for his faults, he more easily pleases others and mollifies those he has angered. God protects and frees a humble man; he loves and consoles a humble man; he favors a humble man; he showers him with graces; then, after his suffering, God raises him up to glory. He reveals his secrets to a humble man and in his kindness invitingly draws that man to himself. When a humble man is brought to confusion, he experiences peace, because he stands firm in God and not in this world. Do not think that you have made any progress unless you feel that you are the lowest of all men. Above all things, keep peace within yourself, then you will be able to create peace among others. It is better to be peaceful than learned. The passionate man often thinks evil of a good man and easily believes the worst; a good and peaceful man turns all things to good. A man who lives at peace suspects no one. But a man who is tense and agitated by evil is troubled with all kinds of suspicions; he is never at peace with himself, nor does he permit others to be at peace. He often speaks when he should be silent, and he fails to say what would be truly useful. He is well aware of the obligations of others but neglects his own. So be zealous first of all with yourself, and then you will be more justified in expressing zeal for your neighbor. You are good at excusing and justifying you own deeds, and yet you will not listen to the excuses of others. It would be more just to accuse yourself and to excuse your brother. If you wish others to put up with you, first put up with them. RESPONSORY Psalm 25:9-10; Zechariah 7:9 The Lord leads the humble to justice; he teaches the meek his ways. – Mercy and truth are the Lord’s ways, his witness to all who seek him. Judge with true judgment, and let each one be merciful and forgiving to his brother. – Mercy and truth are the Lord’s ways, his witness to all who seek him.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 22:45:49 +0000

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