A week ago I sold 80 lbs of organic tomatoes and peppers at a - TopicsExpress


A week ago I sold 80 lbs of organic tomatoes and peppers at a local produce auction.The winning bid was $0.30 cents per pound - San Marzanos, Black plums, Thai chilies, black jalapenos, chocolate beefsteaks, Greasy beans and other non-hybridized, heirloom organic produce. Right now another 150 lbs. are lying on the ground. We dont have the time or energy to can the stuff. With a return of $24 on 20 hours of weeding, picking, sorting, washing, packing and transporting - to say nothing of investments in greenhouse, water, electricity, organic potting soil, manure, equipment, fuel, hours of transplanting, staking, etc. it is too disheartening to return to the market and realize far less than nothing on your investment. As one Amish neighbor noted, You dont have enough (any) kids. The winning bidders on the produce know what they got. They apologize for the effect of their good fortune - the lack of bid competition. Theyd have paid much more. Large scale marketing chains wont sell the stuff because it wont TRAVEL. With hundreds of miles (if not thousands) in the distribution chain, it wont keep. The reason GMO and hybridized (tasteless, vitamin deficient, pretty) produce in only 3-4 varieties of tomatoes exist in your grocery chain is because the good stuff wont keep. Too much shelf loss. Fresh means a 2-4 day window of pick-to-sale. The shelf loss of GOOD food IS very short. The reason insects, mold, mildew, and rot affect these products is BECAUSE they all instinctively recognize that it is HEALTHY to EAT! The products digest in their systems as effectively as they could serve us. We are in competition with all living organisms for sustenance. Instead of knowledge, we are offered, and succumb to, advertising (pictures, puff and the chemistry that profit has wrought as our collective goal. I dont think I can continue to invest all my time, energy and resources in trying to set an example. Proved ineffectual at affecting our species downhill slide, perhaps passing the torch might be the best answer. FARMING, ANYONE?
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 13:01:18 +0000

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