A week ago I was having the time of my life in London. Four days - TopicsExpress


A week ago I was having the time of my life in London. Four days ago I found out that I passed PGDA… and today we all had to attend the funeral of one of the best friends we’ve ever had… I know that Im speaking for a lot of people when I say that today was one of the hardest days of our lives. Words could never describe today. Words could never be used to describe you... You were many things. And if nothing else, you were somebody who lived his life to the fullest. That is something nobody could ever take away from your memory. While today we bid farewell to our favourite pretty giraffe, we could never truly say goodbye to you. Your ridiculous toothy grin, sparkly feminine eyes and zest for life will live on within us all. Your infectious smile and personality could light up a room in an instant. Your ridiculously friendly nature meant that walking ten metres could take as much as ten minutes, because you knew EVERYBODY. You were probably one of the most irresponsible people Ive ever met in my life. Like really, who else is capable of throwing their cellphone into a bin? And let’s not forget how straightforward you were. Nobody else would dare to tell me in such a blunt fashion that my clothes were too big, “you look PREGNANT” or that I’m slightly fussy, “you are going to DIE ALONE!” And thats just the tip of the iceberg. You were something else. Perfectly flawed, and proud of it, like all the best people are. These are just some of the things that Im going to miss... People keep asking me why Im not breaking down. But how can I cry about somebody who has provided me with so many great memories and so much joy? How can I cry knowing that youd be up there swearing me, and trying to goad me into having a drink instead!? Some people live till 90 without having truly lived, while others have lived a full life by 20. While in quantity your years are lacking, nobody could ever compete with the quality. I could not live the life you have, touch as many people as you have, provide the world with as much joy and love as you have in 10 lifetimes... But I strive to live my life in your memory…if one day I can say that I was a 1/4 of the friend, child, sibling and loved one that you were, I know that I would have lived a fulfilled life. Despite my beliefs, I can never really be sure about what happens in the afterlife.... but if there is a Big Man up there, I hope and pray that he takes good care of you.... so that I can come up one day and kick your ass for putting us through this. you were a brother, a sister, a MASSIVE pain in the ass and an amazing friend to us all... Love you forever and always…till we meet again Pandayji
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 17:31:19 +0000

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