(A weeping British girl is carried out of the wreckage of a house - TopicsExpress


(A weeping British girl is carried out of the wreckage of a house destroyed by the V1) Did you know that our Nobel Peace Prize winning President has killed more innocent civilians with unmanned drone attacks than the Nazis ever did? Its true. Hitler used an UAV weapon called the Fieseler Fi-103, better known as the Vergeltungswaffe (Revenge weapon), or V-1. First launched against Britain in 1944, the V-1s killed more than 900 civilians and injured more than 35,000 in 10 British cities. By contrast, the official numbers of civilian deaths in Pakistan and Yemen by American UAVs are classified, Some reports say as many as 10 civilians are murdered for every terrorist killed by Obamas revenge weapon.The number of US drone strikes in Pakistan has reached 400 and fewer than 4% of the people killed have been identified as named members of al Qaeda. (see link below) Do the math people! Did you know that Ralph Nader has called out Obama as a ‘war criminal’ - “He’s gone beyond George W. Bush in drones, for example. He thinks the world is his plate, that national sovereign ties mean nothing, drones can go anywhere. They can kill anybody that he suspects and every Tuesday he makes the call on who lives and who dies, supposed suspects in places like Yemen and Pakistan and Afghanistan, and that is a war crime and he ought to be held to account.” Amnesty International has accused the Obama administration of war crimes in its drone policy. The human rights organization reviewed forty-five drone strikes in the Pakistani providence of Waziristan since January 2012, and concluded that they have resulted in hundreds of civilian deaths, some of which may amount to extrajudicial executions or war crimes under international law. Signature strikes target individuals for death based not on the confirmed identity or activities of the targets, but rather “behavioral characteristics” identified as those typical of militants. This is a clear violation of the principle of distinction. Further, Amnesty International questions President Obama’s assertion that drone strikes are only launched when there is “near certainty” that civilians will not be killed in the strike – a likely reference to President Obama’s disputed method of counting “all military-age males” in the vicinity of an alleged target as militants. Even CODE PINK wants Obama taken to the Hague! On WABC Radio’s “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio” 2/12/13, Medea Benjamin affirmed she believes the drone warfare is an impeachable offense. Asked Klein: “So would you then call, as the co-founder of Code Pink, for the impeachment of President Obama based on these alleged crimes?” “Sure,” Benjamin responded. “Just like I called for President Obama and George Bush to be taken to the International Criminal Court for war crimes, but it’s not going to happen.” She continued: “So what do I do instead that might happen? I go for some wimpy kind of legislation in Congress that would maybe lessen the number of people who are going to be killed.” Medea Benjamin and her group have been at the forefront of activism against drone strikes. Code Pink protesters led by Benjamin interrupted a confirmation hearing last week for John Brennan, Obama’s nominee for CIA director. Code Pink previously supported Obama. The group’s other co-founder, Jodie Evans, was a financial bundler for Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign Does anybody remember the sign Harry S. Truman had on his desk in the Oval Office? It said: THE BUCK STOPS HERE. Apparently Obama cant take responsibility for his own criminal actions. His followers are apologists for war crimes. Only 4% of drone victims in Pakistan named as al Qaeda members thebureauinvestigates/namingthedead/only-4-of-drone-victims-in-pakistan-named-as-al-qaeda-members/?lang=en
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 12:59:05 +0000

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