A weird dream I had once, Grandma Burr came to me for the first - TopicsExpress


A weird dream I had once, Grandma Burr came to me for the first time in a dream in 2005 (timing would have been around the time I became pregnant with Madi).. she died in 1993 and I longed to see her again, if only in a dream. It was a dream within a dream. I was having some other random dream, and I was woke in that dream in my bedroom at her house and she pulled the blankets off my head and smiled at me and exclaimed WAKE UP! with a big smile, a peaceful feeling about her. In that part of the dream I knew consciously she had died, and my automatic reaction was to say WTF YOURE DEAD!! and ripped the blankets from her and hid, then right after I woke up for real, my thoughts were, oh damn, I finally got to see her again and I ruined it. I was working heavy at the time, but with no other responsibilities besides bills and having been told we wouldnt likely have children, I was living relatively recklessly at the time.. so I wonder if it was more than a literal interpretation to wake up physically, by a message to wake up emotionally and healthwise.. a week later I found out I was pregnant with Madi.. A second dream I had I was more prepared for, and I followed her around the house as she cleaned trying to get her to give me a straight answer on what was it like after death, whats the meaning of life, etc.. existential questions like that, then I got of her elusive chinese cookie answers so I eventually got frustrated and yelled out what do I need to know!!? She stopped what she was doing, looked at me, and waved her arm out to me and sent me to a new scene, which involved David, Jay, Sallyann, and I, after we were new parents and again while I was pregnant, but with Dylan this time. The four of us and our kids were in a jail cell, with Sal and I holding the kids and talking in one corner, and David and Jay in the other...
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 09:19:01 +0000

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