A well written article .... A Pledge From A Black Man With A - TopicsExpress


A well written article .... A Pledge From A Black Man With A White Soul By Matome Letsoalo Friday, January 9, 2015, News 24 Lately, all I’ve been hearing from fellow blacks is unnecessary and equally irrational complaints against the white people, whose presence gives our otherwise savage country international prestige. I have heard some extremely hurtful things being spoken by my fellow black brothers – things that reflect utter ungratefulness in full bloom. Black people have said some insensitive and ignorant things about great white explorers like Vasco Da Gama and Jan Van Riebeeck – the very men who sacrificed lives of comfort in Europe to come and civilize our savage lands. How dare we call the selfless and courageous men who brought the rule of law to our continent robbers and colonists? How dare we call those who built Roman court houses of optimal administration murderers, and those who internationalized our economy to the esteemed levels of the British Empire Capitalists? If it weren’t for angelic white men like Piet Retief and Jan Smuts, who took pity on our savagery and believed in us, then where would we be as black people? White people laid down their lives for this land they love (Ons Vir Jou), and they had to oppress us so to elevate us to their cultured status. Haven’t you heard that the heart behind Apartheid was to gradually develop the black man until he could govern himself, alongside his former masters in perfect harmony? I must say I’m disappointed with my black brothers and sisters. Just imagine the disastrous way our country would have turned out if we didn’t have white people guiding us with their vast resources of knowledge and experience. Without white people maintaining order, this country would quickly drown in a blood bath of tribal wars, like it was before they came to save us from ourselves. Why would anyone deny white people’s authority when we see from countless books they brought to our shores that even the Son of God is white? There are two types of black people I will never understand in this matter of religion; those who ignore the Whiteman’s gospel for their ancestral beliefs and those who blasphemously claim the Son of God is actually a black man. How can Jesus ever be black, realistically??? White people are the symbol of human goodness and kindness, and they clearly reflect the image of the creator over and above other races. God made them to lead humanity in the path which is sustainable and progressive, but some black people just won’t get this. They want to chase the white man away with their talks of land appropriation. Who will feed us then, our uneducated ancestors? Times have changed unfortunately and technology, which whites can craft and operate very well, has become fundamental. But Black people just don’t learn. They have witnessed precisely what happens to a rebellious country like Zimbabwe, but they still choose to speak carelessly about a very sensitive subject like ‘Land Redistribution’. Is there any country in Africa which ever achieved anything without white people? Look at Nigeria, look at Liberia, look at Angola,and look at Central African Republic. All these countries are in turmoil because there is no white leadership there. I just hope a few black people are listening, because I definitely know a majority are not. On another issue, white people sacrifice so much and spend months onset to be on our televisions entertaining us, but do we show appreciation and give positive feedback? No. Black people are now saying they’re tired of watching white faces all over TV. They say they want their own actors and stories, which I find highly immature, let alone unthankful. White people are intelligent beyond our sub-human comprehension. Through their innate wisdom they had long calculated that one day we will be independent and civilized, but they wish to take us there a step at a time, gently and according to our current brain capacity. But what do ungrateful and eager blacks like Thabo Mbeki and Julius Malema do? They rebel violently and begin to hastily demand for things like free and fair elections, and start eyeing powerful institutions like government and business for permanent occupation. Another heart breaking point I cannot avoid talking about is the issue with white dolls. I’m regrettably hearing more and more black women suggesting buying black dolls for their black daughters, and betray the common tradition of white dolls. Let it not be mistaken, white women are the epitome of human beauty, and it would profit us much to acknowledge this universal fact rather than deny it. Let’s not forget that not all metals are valued the same, basically. White women are the defining factor of exquisiteness on this planet. Why can’t we learn from nature, my dear black people? Do planets ever complain about their lowly status against the supreme sun? The moon accepts its role as a mere reflector of light, not a generator like the sun. But why do black people want equality with their white masters? Why are they bringing up unnecessary things like ‘the wealth gap’, which don’t unite us but only further divide us? Why can’t we just forget the past and our differences and just move on? These guys are ready to employ us so long as we are ready to work, not strike every month and startle our fragile investors. We’ve got such a great country with lovely weather, but some people don’t find this enough at all. What really raises my blood pressure to hazardous limits is this growing obsession with Socialism and Communism. It’s all the same to me because they all lead to starvation, dictatorship, and desolation. Look what happened to Russia,China, and Cuba with their leftist radicalism. But we just don’t learn. This leftist spirit of anarchy will certainly not help anyone, but will only chase the whites and investments away. Is that what we want, black people??? I almost got admitted for heart failure when I recently read about a certain black politician calling a highly civilized and democratic system of Capitalism corrupt. Honestly?? Trust a black man to call a system that promotes earnest hard work and innovation oppressive. Only a black man would try to ruin such a brilliant economic system with his lazy views and his obsession with hand-outs. Last but not least, white people went through a painstaking hell just to teach us their highly advanced Germanic languages and rescue us from our primitive oral ones, and what do we do once they give us freedom? We demand to use our outdated Bantu languages for official and social purposes. How ludicrous!!! Can you imagine operating high tech machinery in a native language? The machine won’t work! Nxl! Sincerely, concerned black neo-liberal…
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 09:34:13 +0000

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