A while back in Michigan I attained my Real Estate License and - TopicsExpress


A while back in Michigan I attained my Real Estate License and began working as a contractor/broker for a local Realtor. I happened to talk to a young man who was a contractor/ laborer worker about Jesus. He them complained to the Realtor, who then informed me that I was not allowed to talk about Jesus in her office. Now mind you that she was my friend-who often called me for prayer/ and I had even been instructing her in our Churches Bible school program.(I was Pastoring a local Church at the time as well.) Yet I was dismissed from the office, because I could not guarantee her that I would never talk about Jesus to anyone. The Lord miraculously provided me with painting jobs that summer. I never put an ad in the paper, and never borrowed a dime and have never taken any assistance at any time, then or now (Except for Obama-care which was forced on me by my government) I worked for a Newspaper in my community a while back and sold advertising. My customers always complained that they werent getting good responses from their ads. And I prayed for them everyday to get good response, as well as always praying for my bosses. I found a circulation receipt on the floor that stated the delivered circulation was 1/3 less than I was told to represent to the buyer. I politely and graciously confronted the owner, who basically told me that all newspapers did that. I told him that I couldnt do that, and if left with no other choice I would have to resign. After two weeks notice, on Friday he asked me if I would consider changing my mind. I told him thank you for everything but i could not. I was hired at my second interview at another local paper two hours later that Friday and also was given the opportunity to write a Christian column in that paper if sales were kept up. We broke sales records several times over the next five or so years. My column was a well read column in that paper for a number of years in which many people said it had really helped them. Thank you-Lord. I was a fundraiser for a popular Festival, two of my customers were un-rightly denied refunds in excess of two thousand dollars, I confronted the board on behalf of my customers and was continually put off and delayed. I prayed diligently about it and the Lord instructed me to give notice so I did. The Lord continued to provide for me. A few of the handful of people in my Church ( we were always a fairly small congregation) -they had complained that they thought I was picking on them. I had been teaching on discipline, and I told them it was not intended to be personal against anyone, and that I loved them and only had their best interest in mind. to make a long story short they conspired to just not attend and I was left alone. No scandal or nothing- just no one showed- my heart sunk. I had put my whole life into their lives. Never lied to them, never cheated, etc.. etc.. Afterward I was driving down a local road crying out to God, Where do I go from here? I didnt do anything wrong, yet this looks bad. This is my whole life! At that moment the story behind my novel Covenant. began to unravel. I always saw it as a feature film, so began writing the novel. It is now published and im working on the Audio-book and Lord willing... one day soon the film. Since that time, others have told me I couldnt talk about Jesus in the workplace ( Which by the way is Illegal for you to try and limit free speech Yes, even in the workplace.) So please dont ask me to compromise, or hush me if I say something that doesnt tickle your ears. Dont try and make me a beggar,I wont beg-ever. Dont try and make false accusations or paint me with a suspicion brush if /and when you dont get your own way. I will not bow down to man or unjust systems, or shrink myself in the site of man for pieces of silver or Gold... My God has and will provide for me ; as I stay close to Him . And I will not retaliate, I will just leave it all In His hands, which is scary, be wise; dont ever find yourself in the position of opposing the servants of God, even if you dont understand everything, trust the Lord and bite your tongue. Consider.... Daniel Chapter 3 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, answered and said to the king, O Nebuchadnezzar, we are not careful to answer thee in this matter. 17 If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king. 18 But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up. Psalm 37:25 I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread. 26 He is ever merciful, and lendeth; and his seed is blessed.
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 11:52:08 +0000

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