A white tiger mauled to death a young man in a New Delhi zoo - TopicsExpress


A white tiger mauled to death a young man in a New Delhi zoo (INDIA) on Tuesday. It is sad to see a young man devoured by a beast. What sadden me more was that young boy was worshiping & pleading the tiger to spare his life. In the created order of God, animals are inferior creatures compared to Human beings. Animals neither have conscious not rational spirit. They act based on instinct . We are created to call on the true God and worship the Only Creator! Worshiping the creation instead of creator is sin but in the most basic sense, an idol is anything that takes the rightful place of God in our life. Bible equates covetousness or greed with idolatry (Eph. 5:5; Col. 3:5). Your career, your pursuit of money, your possessions, excessive devotion to leisure and recreation, or even putting a human relationship ahead of your relationship with God, may all become idols. Putting your intellect above God’s revelation is idolatry. Watching hours of inane or immoral TV shows each week or spending hours playing computer games, while not having time to spend with God or serve Him, is idolatry. At the root of all of these is the idol of self. The idolater has not yielded the throne of his life to the true God. Rather, he wants his will and his way, and he tries to use God to get what he wants. A Newsweek article many years ago told about how treasure hunters looking to make a huge profit were stealing rare idols from the Hopi reservation. The worst theft happened in 1978, when looters took four ancient stick figures representing the most sacred deities of the Hopi religion. “Without the idols, there could be no Hopi rituals,” the article stated, “and without the rituals, the tribe’s spiritual life was in danger of extinction.” A tribal leader explained that these ceremonies “bring blessings in rainfall, bountiful crops, good health, long life. That is being lost to us.” What a sad description of idolatry! You make up your own gods and then use them to get what you want. The problem is, these gods may be stolen and your way of life is destroyed. If it can be taken from you, it isn’t the true God! If you yourself can make an idol and ascribe everything to it , then where is the need for salvation? Only when you know there is no other way and you desperately need help to lift you, then only a Saviour is needed. Idolatry destroys character. The human conscience can never be roused by an idol. When a man worships an idol his understanding is darkened. His conscience is not stirred a bit. No sin consciousness enters him and the cry, “I am a sinner and need a Saviour” never rises out of his heart. Never can idols lead you to eternal life. Holy Scriptures says: “This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners”
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 02:50:37 +0000

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