A wise man once asked a crowd: “What is Love?” Many people - TopicsExpress


A wise man once asked a crowd: “What is Love?” Many people stood up and gave different variations of their ideas and ideals, but the one that stood and looked around at all the people there and stated “Love is Service!” That person had the simplest, purest understanding of exactly what Love Is!. Why am I telling you this? Because, simply because. It seems that the ideals we once only knew of in whispers and far corners of old times The times our Grandparents and Great-Grandparents knew well. Those times have long gone. And along with them, the vast majority of normalcy and simplicity Of what WAS! What they had were structured ideals of Respect, Love, Honor, Courage, Loyalty and further more manners. We have about a less than 0.2% ratio of people in the age groups of 19 to 47 that still contemplate and even live those ideals anymore. So is this a world that people like that…. (people like me) can adapt to? Accept? Belong in? I used to think so. But too many recent events in the last year have out shined that possibility and made me a fool. And as anyone else with half a heart: no one likes to be made a fool. Especially by someone you have the ridiculous inclination to share and or give what’s left of your heart to! Because love in itself (real love that is- the kind built from trust and not from strings attached and held up by ultimatums or unreal expectation) Real love simply is Service. To all around you and all that are in your heart. But especially the one you try to hand your heart to! So is there much on the line…. Do I have many years of work ahead….. Can I just drop everything and just piss me knee surgery off to a later date as well as my move and my plans and my life and school and take off for awhile and simply get my bearings back and recollect who I once was and all I wanted to be and what I once knew I had to give!!? I guess time will tell. But I leave you all with this to chew on. My own twist on an age old anecdote you may or may not recollect from the bible. (No I’m not preaching… just giving my perspective) Better to be alone. Better to find in your heart what truly feels like home. No one else’s ideals or opinions to askew what the truth is And that truth can only be yours. No one else’s. No empty shelves here To fill with the clutter of others that is truly Just gray matter transcending darkness And empty voids that neither of you can Possibly fill with each other’s things But simply with your own self worth On shelves meant only for you. Only for truth and happiness that you create. On your own. Because in that simplicity… It’s better to be alone. But my Brothers know... That I will always be with them, and they with me, wherever I may go!
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 09:37:41 +0000

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