A word for the Prophets On March 24th, 2014 the word of The - TopicsExpress


A word for the Prophets On March 24th, 2014 the word of The Lord came to me. 1. Prophets have supernatural ability, & governmental authority from heaven, to make things happen. 2. Prophets are sharp & shrewd (astute in practical matters). 3. There is prosperity in the mouths of the Prophets. Therefore, when you believe his/her word from Jehovah, you will prosper (2Chronicles 20:20). 4. Prophets are sought out because of their supernatural ability to see & shift things. Prophets are shifters (to put (something) aside and replace it by another; change or exchange: prophets shift atmospheres, curses, principalities, government, water levels of the Holy Spirit, principalities, etc. to transfer from one place, position, person, etc., to another: (1Samuel 9:9, 10:9-10, Joshua 10:1-15, 1Kings 18) 5. Prophets are battering rams in times of warfare. Battering ram - an ancient military device with a heavy horizontal ram for battering down walls, gates, etc. any of various similar devices, usually machine-powered, used in demolition, to force entrance to a building, territory, or area, etc. 6. Prophets are block builders & builders of blocks. As block builders, they serve as pillars or support in a situation, ministry, or organization. They fill in the gaps, where there is a hole in the wall, they act as a support beam by revelation or supplying revelation from God to the people. As builders of blocks, prophets keep the walls from falling in, in order to keep the enemy out. Prophets help maintain solid foundation. (This is why prophets must be biblically literate, heavenly accurate, & intimately involved with Heaven) Ephesians 2:20-22 7. Prophets are entering their most sought out time in history. This is why there has been so much warfare & resistance against their office--their lives. This is the year of the prophets (to deal with & heal the issues). The year the prophets arise & take the land. There is a prophetic army, a prophetic nation rising up, & those that hunger & thirst for Gods righteousness, shall be filled. This is the year that the world is being drawn to the voice of the Prophet. The mantle of the Prophet is being enlarged this year & a greater accuracy is being release upon their ears. 8. Prophets are lock-breakers, de-coders if you will, they break the locks off the hearts & ears of the people to hear the voice of God. When the prophets open their mouths they break locks off the hearing of people towards the heart of the Father. I see a vortex, & it is the world being drawn to the Voice, Sound, & the Music of the Prophets, they are being sucked into this new sound--to come into the Kingdom of God! 9. Prophets are bridge builders & repairers of the breach. They bring heaven down to earth, & man to God. And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in. (Isaiah 58:12) 10. Prophets strike the chord of intimacy & stir/incite passion in the heart of mankind for the God of heaven & earth. Arise - to get up from sitting, lying, or kneeling; rise: to awaken; wake up: to move upward; mount; ascend: to come into being, action, or notice; originate; appear; spring up: Arise, prophets of Jehovah Sabaoth our Strong Deliverer, arise & take your place. Arise & be fulfilled. No longer reject or shrink, but accept & embrace the call upon your life. No longer identify yourself as the rejected by men, but the approved by God. In this hour He is dealing the hearts of his prophets, to deal with the hearts of his body. Walk out of yesteryear into your year of RELEASE. We awaken the roar of the Lion in you. For the Lion of Judah is rising with greater power & authority in you. Thank you for your intercession, your worship, your words, your exhortations, your corrections, your sufferings, your grace, your mercy, & your judgments in the earth. You have learned how to be abase, now its your season to learn how to abound! You have suffered much, but you shall reign even greater. Arise prophets, Arise! Arise!
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 14:21:10 +0000

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