A word from the Lord about THANKSGIVING! This used to be a time of - TopicsExpress


A word from the Lord about THANKSGIVING! This used to be a time of prayer and thanksgiving.e out of the WORLD my PEOPLE Published 11/24/14 by Edamosamos (Transcribed) During this time of year many of my people of America used to follow or practice a tradition they call THANKSGIVING. It is a time when families would take time out of their busy schedules and get together as family and pray and thank me for their bountiful blessings that Ive bestowed upon them during the year. It was also a time when they would gather and thank me for the blessing of their Nation. Christians, Jews and even unbelievers would gather together at this time and give some sort of thanks. Now some still carry out this tradition but many dont. They look at this time to commercialize. A time that was spent in some sort of dignity and respect is now being spent getting ready for the commercialism of the Christmas Holiday. Instead of being thankful they spend their time filled with GREED and SELFISHNESS. They are looking to purchase gifts for another in order to buy each others love. This is an abomination to me. Do not I LOVE ALL MANKIND? DO I CHARGE MONEY FOR MY LOVE FOR YOU? DO I ASK MY CHILDREN TO FILL THEIR HEARTS WITH GREED IN ORDER TO SPEND SPEND SPEND? NO!! My Children, such actions are not what I have taught my people and the wrong! The FALLEN ones in coordination with their Master Satan continue to corrupt any semblance of good that this once great Nation had. Destruction is coming to America. America has become the greediest, most self-centered, self-absorbination. Oh America, America, my people who are in thee come out of the corrupt churches who teach my people lies and lead my sheep to the slaughter. Stop my people STOP!! Stop sinning with the culture of the corrupt fallen ones and come back to me so I can protect you in the up and coming times of trouble that lie just up ahead. Repent, Repent, Repent!! My People!! Come back to me your FIRST LOVE and run away from the other IDOLATER LOVERS that try to seduce and trick you into leaving me. The Idolater Lovers some of my people are following will lead you to eternal death pain and suffering. Follow me and I will lead you to everlasting life filled with love joy and peace. Times will continue to become worse and worse. Earthquakes, Volcanos, Sinkholes, Animal Die Offs, Water turning blood red, the Oceans dying, Severe Weather, Flooding in one area Drought in other areas, Cosmic Events about to unfold, the Fallen ones and their Master Satan are about to manifest themselves followed by HELL ON EARTH. A great time suffering and misery. BUT FOR MY BRIDE, my faithful ones its the time to be rescued and taken to a place of safety. Live a HOLY LIFE put off this world of SATAN and Illusion. It ends badly for all those who choose him instead of Jesus Christ. Yehushua Hamashiach. Jesus is the only way that people can be saved. There is no other name in heaven for by men must be saved. Stop trying to figure out all these things by yourselves. I have not left you clueless. I have given you Jesus, the Holy Spirit, my written Word, Prophets, Messengers, Teachers, Creation itself. All testify of me and my only begotten son. People cry out, WHEREs GOD? and I responded by sending those mentioned above. I am everywhere. You just need to open your eyes and look and give an honest look. I am here, I am everywhere. My precious Bride continue to stand for me, live for me, share my word and your testimony in me with all men, all people. I shall come and take you to a place of safety at the appointed time. My lukewarm followers study my word, pray, get ready for life is going to become very very difficult. Become and OVERCOMER and you shall reign with Jesus, Yehushua during this 1000 reign! Those who havent found me yet, keep looking CRY OUT TO ME, I will find you and ANSWER! Confess Jesus Christ, Yehushua Hamashiach as your personal Lord and Savior, Get BORN AGAIN or BORN OF ABOVE and you shall be saved and spend everlasting under everlasting with Jesus., Yehushua in Glory! To my body of Christ, keep praying and fasting if I call you to, make an intercession in all things I command you to. Listen for my voice and I will speak with you for you are beloved to my side. I love you my dear precious ones, I love you. Continue to fellowship with me and my only begotten son. The King is Coming, The King is Coming, Prepare to meet your King! Continue to stand for us and you shall see us soon! youtu.be/O61zAxdF_Hk Play Video This used to be a time of prayer and thanksgiving come out of the world my people youtube I am of the race of Adam, I can and do make mistakes sometimes. Please consider the entire message. Please forgive the occasional cough or stumble during the...
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 04:07:23 +0000

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