A word from the Word “Plant The Seed” July 31, 2013 - TopicsExpress


A word from the Word “Plant The Seed” July 31, 2013 Scripture: Luke 8.5-9, 11-15 Verse for the day: Psalm 126.6 “He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him” Additional Scripture: Romans 1.16; Matthew 5:16; Mark 8:38; Proverbs 4:18; Matthew 8.28 and Acts 1.8 are among the many verses that admonish and instruct the church in the wonderful part that man has in the bringing of salvation to others. It would be nice if God’s plan had involved the immediate snatching away of those who come to Christ to be in His presence immediately at the point of salvation. But alas, it is not so is it? God leaves us here to be witnesses for His glory. So, you ask a believer “Why do you not witness?” and, invariably you get the same answers “You don’t understand how hard it is to be a witness at work, school, or at leisure activities”; or “you don’t have the same friends I have you don’t know how they would ridicule me”; or “it’s against the law to tell others about the Lord at school, or work”. Back in the day when we still planted a garden, I remember when the hybrid fruits and vegetables began appearing on the market place. Developers had come up with “seedless” varieties and you couldn’t get the seeds so you needed to purchase their plants for your garden. Do you think the Lord is saddened when we are “seedless Christians?” He does the work of regeneration in those that we witness too, and we with our feet of clay come up with all the excuses under the sun to prevent our planting of the seed. I think the biggest reason we really don’t witness is that we look at that sinner and say God could never save them and we fail to plant the seed. We are intent on what we will get instead of what the Lord will get. We focus on the “Trash” and fail to see the “Treasure”. --“A word from the Word” 7/29/13 Many believers are "rabbit hole" Christians. In the morning they pop out of their safe Christian homes, hold their breath at work, scurry home to their families and then off to their Bible studies, and finally end the day praying for the unbelievers they safely avoided all day. –Moody Monthly We can always find an excuse not to be obedient in our witnessing life, why don’t we look for reasons to be obedient? Let’s not be seedless Christians but rather let us be seed spreaders and water bearers and let God be the One responsible for the salvation of those we bear the precious seed to. God doesn’t promise it will be easy but He does promise results. Let Him spread the gospel through you and He will bless you as you obey His command. UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN: WALK WITH THE KING JFW
Posted on: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 11:48:30 +0000

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