A word i spoke in Jena Louisiana way back in 2011 and i think we - TopicsExpress


A word i spoke in Jena Louisiana way back in 2011 and i think we should revisit this again Plugging Into The Kingdom by Eddie Thompson on Wednesday, December 14, 2011 at 2:28am Pastor David McDonald gave an excellent Word to our church Sunday night concerning alignment. Basically, to be a part of the Kingdom of God, to receive its flow, benefits, power, and revelation, one must operate within the realm of Kingdom authority and Kingdom protocol. Submission to authority is required before authority can be wielded through the Name of Jesus Christ. His name is given to the apostolic ministry that passes it on through the Body of Christ, each individual jointly fit into his/her place, to make the Body healthy, functional, and alive! The concept is the same as making oneself blessable so that the Kingdom of God can work as revealed in the Bible and in the Spirit of the Church. Each of us represents the Kingdom as Ambassadors. Light shines through us. The Spirit of God flows out of our bellies: Rivers of living water! We are a network of shining lights that can illuminate an entire community, an entire nation, an entire world, if we remain plugged into the Kingdom of God. It doesnt matter what the powers that be in this world, or in the world of religion, do or say: We have the mind of Christ! Who can teach us how this Kingdom is supposed to work? Who can limit us or deny us access to the hearts of lost souls? Who can accuse us and condemn us? It is God who justifies us! It is God who commissioned us! It is God who sent us to a world to seek and save that which is lost! And His Word will not return unto Him void. We shall accomplish what He has sent us forth to do as long as we represent Him the way He wants to be represented. As long as we work together with men and women of like faith and Kingdom focus. Find a place to plug into the Kingdom of God and make yourself blessable.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 13:12:57 +0000

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