A world apart - Madagascan wildlife in peril. Madagascars - TopicsExpress


A world apart - Madagascan wildlife in peril. Madagascars economic problems and wildlife is not spoken of much in conservation. Very few people even know the African island is facing some major wildlife extinctions. Part I explains the majority of the problems. Please share - Madagascar island is under threat. Madagascar once hosted a non-threatened mass ecosystem of plants, mammals and aquatic fauna. Today the ecosystem is under immense threat. Article 1 publication 4 International Animal Rescue Foundations conservation team have been monitoring wildlife within Madagascar before founded for several years. The results are shocking today more than they were over a decade ago. Over 100 species of Lemur are either listed as (endangered) or (critically endangered) the threats being hunting, poaching, traditional medicine or as many do not know poverty. Human over-population is the second largest wildlife destructive force whilst poverty remains the number one key issue. In one year a family of four make a mere $200 if that. The average wage per day for native Madagascans is as little as $2-3 if that. The population has tippled in size since 1994 and being one of the worlds poorest African islands people are literally forced to live on whatever they can locate. Food is mainly wild or domesticated, China is playing a role in destroying large swathes of forest for hard wood timber and the cycle of destruction continues. We are set to lose a staggering 80% of Madagascan species in under twenty years should conservation efforts not improve and governmental corruption not cease. Read more here; speakupforthevoiceless.org/2014/08/27/a-world-apart-madagascar-paradise-in-peril/
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 23:10:17 +0000

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