A year ago Banjo was on the ventilator in ICU, after being flown - TopicsExpress


A year ago Banjo was on the ventilator in ICU, after being flown from Echuca to Melbourne. He had influenza and he was fighting for his life for the second time in less than 6 months. It was during this time that many discussions were had between his specialists about how to keep Banjo out of ICU, growing and well. They basically told us this is how our life will continue and expect many more admissions in the future. We took Banjo home only days before Christmas and he was completely tube fed through his mickey and would not eat orally and was vomiting multiple times a day. He also had kidney stones and we were still waiting to have them blasted causing him excruciating pain daily and he rarely slept due to the pain. 12 months on and we are so blessed and life has changed so much. Our mission to move our family from the cold weather to Queensland for the winter was a success and we have not had one admission. His specialists in Melbourne are still amazed. We have an amazing team of therapists including a nutritionist, kinesiologist, NSA Chiropractor, Bowen therapists, feldenkrais therapist, and have read many many books on nutrition and health. We also have a great team of therapists at the therapy centre who offer physio, speech and OT. Banjo also loves his weekly horse riding session. We have completely changed his diet removed the high calorie formula and added in different vitamins and minerals. We have learnt so much and Banjo now eats completely orally and is no longer tube fed at all. He is finally over 10kg after being 8kg at the start of the year and no longer vomits and he sleeps :) His head control has improved out of sight and although developmentally we still have a long way to go he is improving daily. All of these things seemed unreachable last Christmas and we had no idea how to move forward. So a huge thank you to all Banjos supporters for making this possible. Without your support we would not have found this team of people who have helped us get Banjo to where he is today. We would not have been able take part in the physical therapies we do every week or the HPD intensive or feeding therapy that helped him so much. We are truly grateful and we are so excited to see what the next year will bring. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and thank you once again for following our journey and cheering Banjo along.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 07:13:06 +0000

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