A year ago, I got a compressed nerve in my spine. I cant - TopicsExpress


A year ago, I got a compressed nerve in my spine. I cant remember which vertebrae it was. I was in the best shape of my life, working out with the Costa Rican MMA champions in the morning, dancing at night - and one night (out of the blue) I slept a bit funny. I woke up with a little bit of an off feeling in my neck - nothing big. Rather than resting, feeling a bit awkward, when my MMA trainer came to the house, I just worked out like normal. Nothing major happened, but through the morning - I kept feeling more pain in my neck. After that - every day the pain increased for about a month straight. To the point where I couldnt think anymore. After a month - it felt like my entire left arm, my upper back, and my neck were on fire - literally - the flesh burning under a hot flame. I went to get an MRI under the direction of an orthopedist, and I had some disc in my spine bulging into my spinal chord. Hence the big neck brace I was wearing at the January 2014 Empower Network, LLC event. (just was reminded by a photo Alex Zubarev posted on his wall) Anyways - long story short, the nerve damage caused problems in my muscles, and I lost about 90% of the strength in my left arm, causing muscle degeneration in my left pec to the point where it almost wore down to my ribcage before finally getting into spinal decompression therapy - which over a period of about a month and a half removed the pressure on my nerve and my body was able to start healing - - to START healing. I was frustrated for the next six months, after the pain subsided due to the therapy, as I tried to restore the strength in my left side. No matter what I did - the muscles wouldnt grow. I had lost muscle size in my left side, my left pec, and my abdominals and for the first time in my life - no matter how hard I worked out --- I just couldnt change the shape of my body. I read about it online, and when you have nerve damage - and you relieve the cause of the damage (in this case, a bulging disc) --- it takes time to heal. And when its healing - theres nothing you can do but wait. Youd think that you could just work out that side a lil harder - and I thought that, too. But its your nerves that control your muscles - and if they dont work... ...they dont work. And no amount of flexing or strength training can make muscles flex when the electric signals that make them function arent firing. (if you look at photos closely from the events from January - June in Empower Network, my left side shrank down and was significantly less than my right. You probably would never notice such a thing in another person unless they point it out) So a year later after working every day - finally about 2 months ago the muscle wasting reversed in my left side, and the strength just started coming back --- all on its own. Literally, without changing a thing. So whats to learn from all of this? Sometimes - no amount of forcing can change the world around you. Sometimes, you have to wait for the environment around you to create the right conditions, upon which you can make a slight energy shift - and create all the results that you want... ...without even trying. Like with my team - this last year Ive been working out my left side, expecting it to change and do what I want - and no matter what I did --- nothing changed. Only the problem wasnt what I was doing --- the nerves were damaged, and needed to heal. And now that Ive fixed that --- doing nothing is working better than 18 + hour days. And more than the results that Ive always wanted have already started to happen --- right in front of my eyes. Fascinating lesson there, isnt it?
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 04:43:00 +0000

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