A year ago I worked at this bar. This man came in, ordered a beer - TopicsExpress


A year ago I worked at this bar. This man came in, ordered a beer but he had an extreme look of stress on his face, despite being at an ocean front hotel and on vacation. So I asked are you ok? He began to tell me about his week, he was on his honeymoon with his new wife and her two children. He went on to describe the various efforts he made in hopes to make this vacation special for the kids, he brought them to a lot of the big attractions, spent a ton of money saying yes to nearly everything they asked for. He did all this at the sacrifice of having quality time with the mom. He believed it was what was right and that he did everything he could, yet he felt he had made no progress bonding with the kids. Finally he sadly admitted I dont know if I can do this. Being a step father is impossibly frustrating. I try so hard with these kids and I get nothing. I love this woman with all my heart but it does not seem to be enough to replace their real dad. This vacation has been a series of disasters. Maybe Im not cut out for this. He pauses I just got kicked out of the room I paid for because I didnt want to eat pizza again tonight which we already ate 3 times this week. Its terrible to say but I think I made a huge mistake. At that moment a server brought some food I had ordered for myself. I turned to the man and asked do you like garlic parm wings? They sound delicious? He said. As I offered my dinner to him, he smiled and thanked me. I asked what room are you in? I believe he thought I was going to charge his room for the wings, but he gave me the room # anyway. Enjoy your food I said Ill be right back I went to the phone a few feet away and covered the mouth piece as I talked, so as not to be overheard. When I returned to my place behind the bar I asked the man those wings are good right? He was eating the wings but his smile had faded. He says You didnt have to cover the phone, I would prefer to pay cash for the food. I smiled and said you misunderstand. When I was younger, my father left my mom, me and my brother. As I spoke I popped another beer open for the man, my mother later remarried and my step father was always there. He raised me, clothed me, took me to my first baseball game. He worked his whole life to make sure our family was happy. Now honestly in my youth I know I didnt always show my appreciation for what he did, but when I became a man I realized he was at the core of some of my fondest memories. Without him, I wouldnt be the man I am today. So much so that when I was old enough, I had my last name changed to honor the man who made my life so wonderful. To this day, my stepfather is my hero! The man looked incredulously into my eyes and asked is that true? Yes sir I said proudly. Would you like some more wings? I asked as I cleared the finished plate. He said nothing, just stared at me. Which prompted me to add tell me now if youre still hungry because the call I made was to the cook who is making pizza for you to bring back to the room. And its on the house. What? He asked. I called in a favor, is all. I said. Why did you do this? He asked Because I said, Its what my stepfather would have done. Every once in while life gives us such a rare opportunity to be outstanding. It reminds us, how truly excellent it is to be alive. How we should not take things for granted and how grateful we should always be. Love you dad!
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 18:40:41 +0000

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