A year ago I would never have thought that I would be going to the - TopicsExpress


A year ago I would never have thought that I would be going to the UofA. I didnt even think I would graduate high school. A year ago I was emotionally unstable and frankly going nowhere in my life. But through the love and support of all these amazing people I managed to open my mind up and realize my potential. My potential to be the mad scientist I have always wanted to be. My potential to be a good student. My potential to be a happier person. So I would like to take a moment to personally thank some of the people who have been a huge role in bringing me into the happiest part of my life. Maddy Stedman, you are truly the best. Even if we were not dating I know that we would still be partners in crime because you are a one of a kind human being that I couldnt imagine my life without. Your love and your friendship has taught me so many things, from how to love others and how to love myself to becoming a nicer person and believing in myself. I hope one day I will be able to return the favor and give you a gift as great as the one you have given me; true happiness. Robin Gwozdz, oh where to start! Without you this past year wouldve been the same as all the others. It wouldve been filled with me putting myself down and telling myself Im going nowhere in life. But you helped show me the life I could live. Me going to the UofA is all because you showed me that I am smart and that I have potential to go off and do great things! So for that I am forever grateful and I dont express that enough. I am truly grateful that I have someone like you in my life. Carly Stewart, oh my god Carly!!! If it wasnt for you my hair would be gray and Id be balding by now! All of your advice and such has saved me from so much stress! You have been the greatest help! Before I started asking you questions I was crying on a daily basis and telling myself that I couldnt do it. So thank you for taking all that stress away. I look forward to our coffee dates!! Heather Schaufelberger& James Barber, this past year we have overcome so much. We have tons of fun together and I just truly have a blast when we hang out. I know my communication skills are crap but I hope you know that I am always thinking of you and that I love you so much. This past year yours and James support has been so appreciated. You two have helped me feel accomplished and I look forward to keep making you proud!! Marty Stewart, even though I hate it sometimes, your constant badgering me to CALM DOWN has been keeping me sane. You are basically my walking/talking Xanax. You pushed and pushed me until I finally applied to the UofA and I actually made it! So thank you for believing in me and proving to me that I can do this. Maybe I can finally be good at math like you!!! I love you all and thank you again so much for all of your love and support. Without you I would not be the person I am today. And I would not be walking onto that college campus on Monday.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 04:41:56 +0000

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