A year ago today; I spent my morning getting another ultrasound - TopicsExpress


A year ago today; I spent my morning getting another ultrasound and a fetal stress test. Dr. Barber then gave me my one way ticket to the hospital to wait out my remaining pregnancy with no idea when the unspeakable words would be said of its time! I remember having my last lunch as a free person at Chipotle and trying to contain my nerves and being scared out of my mind! See, Gannon and I knew early on after losing our first baby (the triplet) and then later on losing the twin of JR that this wasnt going to be a pregnancy like all others and then getting the heartbreaking news appointment after appointment that our little man was falling very far behind (he had absence and reverse blood flood in his umbilical cord and on top of that his umbilical cord was stick straight which is very rare; among other issues like a failing placenta); well it is bound to shatter you down to your very core!! However, I took what God dealt me and fell hard on my faith knowing he was the only one that was going to truly see me through this ordeal. Well as it would be I spent exactly 17 days/16 nights until the little guy was born by a very quickly planned emergency c-section! So see, I have a lot to be very thankful for this Thanksgiving because after countless days of worrying and very heartbreaking moments the littlest of miracles in my eyes is here to celebrate his very 1st Thanksgiving dinner with our little family!!
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 19:33:11 +0000

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