A year-end shout-out from John Q. Public: Summer brought the - TopicsExpress


A year-end shout-out from John Q. Public: Summer brought the news that Craig Perry, a promising, accomplished, highly-educated, and hand-picked squadron commander in the Lackland basic training community, had been sacked by a boss who found him intolerably intelligent and innovative but hid these real motives behind an obviously framed witch-hunt supported by an investigation that would be called corrupt if it were competent enough. JQP threw the flag on this morass and raised pressure on the Air Force to correct, but Perry’s firing stuck and his boss retired under the shimmering glare of official regalia, with the Wing Commander who sanctioned it all promoted and shipped away to a staff role. The Perry case was particularly distressing since it involved an ex post investigation to justify a firing rather than a firing based on evidence. When commanders can manipulate supposedly dispassionate processes to manufacture justifications for things they’ve already done, the door to arbitrariness and abuse is wide open. We here at #TeamPerryBMT remain forever grateful for the support of JQP. This is not over, in no small part due to the efforts of this dedicated airpower advocate. ICYMI: • jqpublic-blog/basic-military-abuse-lackland-trade-recruit-abuse-toxic-leadership/ • jqpublic-blog/case-study-craig-perry-future-command-air-force/ • jqpublic-blog/closing-ranks-new-questions-answers-lackland-firing-scandal/ • jqpublic-blog/jammed-controls-structural-systemic-reasons-bad-decisions-hard-correct/ • jqpublic-blog/general-reportedly-disparages-fellow-officer-teachable-moment-mistakes-character/
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 00:32:12 +0000

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