A young Jamaican father-to-be awakened the village doctor in the - TopicsExpress


A young Jamaican father-to-be awakened the village doctor in the middle of the night saying Doc!Doc!Come fas nuh! Is muh wife man! She water dun brek man! She bout to born de chile! The doctor came over and told the father Hold de lamp higher! Hold de lamp higher nuh! The father obliged, and behold, a babys cry was soon heard. The father cried out: Praise de Lard! A boy! Is de proud fadduh of A baby boy! The doctor again told the father, Hold de lamp higher! Hold de lamp highernuh man!. The father again complied, and to be sure, another cry was heard. The father excitedly proclaimed: Is twins!! I got twins! Is doubly blessed! Glory be to God! The doctor instructed, Hold de lamp higher! Hold de lamp higher nuh! Sure enough, a THIRD cry was heard! The father, somewhat subdued, in a nervous tone, muttered, Oh. Thank ya Jesus. The doctor repeated, Hold de lamp higher!. Hold de lamp higher nuh man!, and a short while yet a FOURTH cry was heard. The father said nothing, being lost in deep thought. The doctor for a fifth time commanded Hold de lamp higher man! Hold the lamp higher nuh! The father then asked; Doc, yuh tink maybe is de light dat attractin dem?
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 15:40:11 +0000

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