A young kid comes home from school, and rushes upstairs to play in - TopicsExpress


A young kid comes home from school, and rushes upstairs to play in his room. As he passes his mum’s room he hears voices, so he pops his head round the door to see and finds his mum in bed with a man. “Who’s that man in your bed mum? That’s not my dad”. “Get out! Now!” his mum shouts. Just then, they hear the front door open and the kid says “Here’s dad now”. Well, the man jumps into the wardrobe sharpish, quickly followed by the kid. “Oooh” the kid says, “it’s dark in here”. “Shush now son, be quiet, you’ll be alright”, says the man. “But I don’t like the dark, I get afraid”, says the kid. “Shush now son, don’t be afraid you’ll be ok”, the man says reassuringly. The kid puts a hand in his trouser pocket and pulls out a little dinky toy. “Hey mister, I’ve got a little toy car here, and I only want 50 quid for it”. “You’re kidding”, said the man, “£50 for that? no way”. The kid says, “Ok, shall I shout my dad?” The man says, “Alright, alright you win”, and he finds his trousers, and gives the kid £50. The next Sunday, the kid is in church with his mum, and when the plate comes around for the collection, his mum puts 50 pence on it, and the kid pulls this wad of notes out of his pocket and puts a fiver on the plate. His mum whispers, “Where did you get that money?” But his lips are sealed. The next day she still can’t get the kid to reveal where he got the money from, so she drags him down to church and says, “Right! If you’re not going to tell me, you can tell the priest”, and she shoves him into the confessional box and closes the door. The kid says “Oooh! It’s dark in here”. And a voice says, “O God, not you again!”
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 12:55:48 +0000

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