A young man who did not know Christ went in search of livelihood - TopicsExpress


A young man who did not know Christ went in search of livelihood to a particular country. He managed to get a job in the household of the prince of that country, who was also equally unaware of Christ. A time came when the young man, unable to cope with the problems of this world attempted to commit suicide. It was at this moment, Christ appeared before him. He told him that He gave His life for humanity and that He would give him the peace of mind that the world cannot give, and did accordingly. But the young man, even after receiving mental peace from God was uncertain of himself and pleaded with God that he may be tempted to revert to his former ways. So, God filled him with the Holy Spirit. Immediately after this the young man prayed, My employer, the prince is a godless cruel man, please help him to reform. Days passed. One day, the prince fell ill and was undergoing great physical suffering. The young man, who was attending the prince, was prompted by the Holy Spirit to pray for his master. The youth asked the prince if he could pray for him, to which the prince replied affirmatively. As the young man was already filled with the Holy Spirit, when he prayed to God for mercy upon the prince, Gods power descended on the prince and cured him instantly. The prince sat up on his bed and embraced the young man to show his gratitude. The prince related his healing experience to all those who were around him. When all those who heard this, approached the young man to pray for them. He placed his hands and prayed for each one of them fervently. All those who prayed along with the young man were healed and many were released from the lure of worldly desires. Yes my friend, it was with the intention of filling all of us with the Holy Spirit that our gracious Lord came into this world in the human form. When we receive the Holy Spirit, God will enable us to lead a spotless life. He will ensure that we lead a life that would be a blessing to others. Prayer: Heavenly Father, I thank You from the bottom of my heart for granting me complete deliverance by Your beloved Sons sacrifice. Guide me to be filled with the Holy Spirit always. Transform me into a vessel, which will be serving and blessing others. Enable me to lead a spotless life at Your sight. In Jesus glorious name, I pray. Amen.
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 04:07:08 +0000

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