#A4 - PROPHECIES OF SAINT FAUSTINA THAT DO NOT MATERIALIZE (READ PROPERLY) According to Holy Scripture, prophecies that do not materialize did NOT come from God... Deut. 18:21-22: If you say to yourselves, How can we recognize an oracle which the Lord has spoken?, know that, even though a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if his oracle is not fulfilled or verified, it is an oracle which the Lord did not speak. ------- FALSE PROPHECY #1 ------- Her diary states... At the very beginning of Holy Mass on the following day, I saw Jesus in all His unspeakable beauty. He said to me that he desired that such a Congregation be founded as soon as possible, and you shall live in it together with your companions. My Spirit shall be the rule of your life. Your life is to be modeled on Mine, from the crib to My death on the Cross. Penetrate My mysteries, and you will know the abyss of My mercy towards creatures and My unfathomable goodness – and this you shall make known to the world. Through your prayers, you shall mediate between heaven and earth. (Diary, par. 438) And... The Lord visited my cell today and said to me, My daughter, I will not leave you in this community for much longer. I am telling you this so that you will be more diligent in taking advantage of the graces which I grant you. (Diary, par. 776) And... As I was walking in the garden in the evening, I heard these words: By your entreaties, you and your companions shall obtain mercy for yourselves and for the world. I understood that I would not remain in the Congregation in which I am at the present time. (Diary, par. 435) And... Up to now, I have been wondering, with some fear, where these inspirations would lead me. My fear increased when the Lord made known to me that I was to leave this Congregation. (Diary, par. 1263) Yet, she did NOT live to see the congregation founded, nor did she ever live in it.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 05:22:13 +0000

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