AA Metatron Power Codes for the New Earth 29 August 2014 - TopicsExpress


AA Metatron Power Codes for the New Earth 29 August 2014 raechandran Angelic Greetings to All, this is Archangel Metatron. My dearest fellow creators, it is time to step up into creating a new reality for you in this new time line where you are are in complete harmony with yourself. As you all aware, the consciousness of the planet shifted again on the spring equinox of this year and this shift is called moving from the Darkness to the Light. It is also called moving into a new Yuga - a new time line which will last a few thousand years. With this new shift, the veil has become more thinner and the communication and the connection with the 5th dimension becomes more easy. When intent combined with preparation and action, then one can take truly advantage of this new time period. What do we mean by this - intent and preparation? First of all, we can prepare for this shift by asking for and activating the Aquarain Code with in us. Each Yuga or time period has a specific code and also a master associated with it. There are two beings of light who is over-lighting this new yuga and they will be with the earth till the next phase of the new yuga. You can call call on these beings and they are called as Lord and Lady of Aquarius. They have a specific vibrational signature and you can call forth for the integration of their specific light pertaining to this earth plane for this time period for the earth plane. The color of their light frequency is a soft metallic/yellow. See this light coming into your 10th chakra which is way above your head and then flowing through your entire chakras and then going into the body of Earth spirit and grounding it there. What is important to keep in mind while integrating this light is,not only do you run this light into your chakric column, but also into your pranic tube. The next phase of ones evolution comes from the pranic tube. Do this daily for a few minutes and see the energy settling in and easily flowing - both in the chakras - in the front and back and also in your pranic tube. The activation of the Aquarain code will act as a base for the activation of the the other codes What are these other codes. Human beings are made up of sound frequency and also sacred geometry and each of these sound frequency and geometry contains a certain code. These codes lies dormant for eons of time till it is activated and worked with. All of you are very well aware of the guides and other supporting energies working with you and some of you communicate with them frequently and on a daily basis. These guides are part of your soul group energy and each guides has a code and when you activate these codes, then you fully embrace the full essence of these beings. For eg, there are codes for Masters and Guides like Master Buddha, codes for Master Kuthumi, codes for Lord Maitreya. You can ask for the activation of these codes in your meditation/quiet time. There are also angelic codes you can activate. There are codes for me - Archangel Metatron, codes for Archangel Michael, codes for Archangel Gabriel and all other archangels and angels. Simply requesting with pure intent and love in your heart will start this process. When you activate these codes, you are bringing in more light of your guides and infusing it with our own light and this will immediately enhance your light frequency. This is similar to upgrading your software in your old computer, so that it can run faster and smoothly with the new programs. Planet Earth moved into a higher reality and you must accelerate and upgrade your light quotient to be in par with the new frequencies of Earth. There are also codes for Earth, codes for all the elements and codes of stars and also codes to connect with the pure essence of the animal spirits. When you activate these codes, you will come into alignment with all of these at a higher level and you will be in communion with all of creation. Most of you have desired at the deepest level of your being to experience this aspect of yourself - how to experience the God aspect of yourself in every day living with all of Creation. This is one way of doing it fellow Creators. The next exercise we wish to share with you is with activating the Moses Code with in you. Moses code contains the specific energy of transcendence and liberation. An energy which can support you in identifying what is precious and what is not supporting you in self realization. Most of you has great difficulty in letting go of deep attachment to third dimensional behaviors and patterns and working with Moses codes can help you identify these patterns and eliminate them completely from your life. There are also codes with in your being called Soul Blueprint Codes. Many of the light workers and others has great difficulty in understanding about their life purpose or why they are born and by calling forth for the activation of these Blueprint codes, one will be able to sense/feel and intuit rather easily their soul purpose. One other area we wish for you to focus is your star heritage connection. Many of you after your earth incarnation, travel to different star systems to experience or learn specific lessons. During these times of learning, you also create star karma for it is the same principle of cause and effect in these realities also. Many on the earth carry heavy star karma and this must be balanced and released. Once this is done, then you cam call forth to activate the star codes with in you for all of you are aligned with a special star and this star is one of your supporting energy waiting to be called forth. You are all aligned with a star, a dragon, a tree, a plant, an animal, a sound frequency, a color, a smell. You can call forth for the codes of these supporting energies to be activated and brought forth for they are in support of you. One other area we wish to bring your attention is in the area of energy imbalance - other wise known as karmic energy. Karma is simply that - energy imbalance. We incarnate again and again to balance energy. But now in this new time period, you have the capacity to erase many of this imbalance energy working directly with the Karmic Board. Karmic board consists of 12 beings of light and this includes some Ascended Masters like Master Buddha and Lady Kwan Yin. Practice communicating with them and ask for a release of this imbalance energy from your Akash and also your quantum energy field. Again by asking and giving intent for this to happen will start this process. You can also request the Karmic Board to bring to your awareness, the lesson embedded in the karma - imbalance with out the pain and suffering. This requesting and erasing karma is a gift you have earned yourself. For we wish for you to go into this new Yuga with a clean slate. Finally we ask you to call forth the great teacher - Sanat Kumara for he carries a special energy and code directly tied in to this earth plane. Sanat Kumara embodies the energy of the planet Venus and Venus is the place you come before you are incarnated into this earth plane. In this place, you have full awareness of who you are and ask Sanat Kumara to activate this code of pre-birth awareness. This can help you remember more of yourself and the God with in you. For all of you are Gods and Goddess. Dear family, just by using these simple tools of codes, you will come to a place of more understanding of yourself and your Universe. Archangel Metatron through Rae Chandran
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 02:32:07 +0000

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