AALA-PEST CONTROL SERVICES ALL INDIA AALA-Pest Control Services.Termite Control…………………………………………………………………………….. Help Line No......+919565100436/+919654805731 No structural pest has commanded more attention than termites, termite are rated as the worlds number one structural pest. The Romans referred to these insects as Termes which aptly means woodworm Termites are the most ancient of insects (200 million years) Termites were once known as white ants they live in social communities. Belongs to the order ispotera. The nymph stage of termites develops into few different castes; all these castes contribute in an individual way to the growth of the colony. The queen termite lays 2000 eggs per day & lives for almost 25 years; the soldier termites function is to protect the colony from intruders. The worker termites search for food for the colony members & the termite reproductive are the future kings & queens TERMITE FACTS 1. Termites digest cellulose with the help of microorganisms in their guts. 2. Termites feed on each others feces. 3. Termites lived 130 million years ago, and descended from a cockroach-like ancestor. 4. Termite fathers help raise their young. 5. Termite workers and soldiers are almost always blind. 6. When termite soldiers detect a threat, they tap warning signals to the colony. 7. Chemical cues guide most communication in the termite colony. 8. New kings and queens can fly. 9. It is estimated that for every human on Earth there may be 1000 pounds of termites 10. The Queen of a species of African termite may eventually grow to 5 inches long, and lay up to 30,000 eggs each day 11. There have been documented cases of the Queen of a termite colony living for over 50 years, and some scientists believe it is possible they may live to be 100 years old 12.Some African and Australian termite colonies may contain over 3 million individuals: thats enough to fill 7 large pickup trucks placed end to end they would stretch 100 miles AALA-PEST CONTROL SERVICES Mob.+919565100436,+919654805731, E-mail.Abidh0064@gmail AALA-Pest Control Services the pest management professionals for. Ants-Termite Teratment.Rodent control servics. Gel disinfestation services. Integrated pest management services AMS.IPM Training,Audits & consul tancy, AbidHussain
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 09:39:54 +0000

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