AAP: Present Failure and Possible Recovery Leadership Action and - TopicsExpress


AAP: Present Failure and Possible Recovery Leadership Action and Organization Design Arvind Kejriwal, you are an idea which has not crystallized yet - and I can clearly see where you yourself were the barrier. Why am I writing this? Because I am not yet willing to write you off. I believe you still have the potential to make a positive difference to the way this country is run. Points to note: 1. You are intelligent - and that is proving to be your nemesis - simply because the world is irrational. Intelligent people have so many LOGICALLY CORRECT ideas about how the world SHOULD BE that they fail to see how the world ACTUALLY IS. You have many times failed to see how the world sees you. (Nothing wrong, we all are learning) 2. More important than intelligence is Purposefulness - and you have shown abject lack of it. When you dropped New Delhi govt for participating in the Nationals, I (and many others too) could very clearly see how that was IMPOSSIBLE. Simply because AAP by definition requires people of very high merit, you had NO MECHANISM to filter and identify 350 plus people in the space of 50 odd days. That meant you would have to select almost 10 people every day if you were to finish in proper time AND do your own electioneering too AND mobilize the people to vote for you!! Come on, You simply did not have those capabilities at that point..!!! 3. Well, I thought that If I can see this from Pune, then of course YOU YOURSELF (more intelligent than me) MUST have already seen this. So, if you are sure of failure, why were you contesting the Nationals at all? Only two plausible purposes came across, and both are unkind to you: A. Abdicating Delhi responsibilities - Being in the limelight is so exciting - Dharnas, electioneering, TV, etc. etc... Governance and ADMINISTRATION, comparatively is so boring..!!! B. Taking a fluke chance at Nationals - highly-over-over-over optimism about the WAVE you created. Well, even if that wave could have delivered 300 odd people, you have no way today of KEEPING the flock together. You just dont have the skills and the experience as of NOW. It is something you will learn (if at all) ONLY through experience - and a few years of running a state is vital training ground for that. 3. This committees will take all decisions is a stupid approach. Committees NEVER take decisions, individuals do. Democracy is about respecting opinions, not about shirking responsibilities. In every situation, make it clear WHO will take decisions and around what policies. Otherwise, you will spend the rest of your life arbitrating between members. 4. Something personal: It is not necessary to be in front of TV cameras all the time. Lie low for a while, regain your health. Anyone can see that your health has taken a bad toll, and if you want to be anyone anywhere, your HEALTH is vital. So what next? Being an organizational design consultant myself, I have only two things to say now. If you plan on being a credible force in Indian polity, you will be forced to do some variations of these two themes: 1. Focus on Organization design before building. Do a functional analysis and populate the chairs with people of the right caliber. 2. Focus on one-state-at-a-time. Till 2019, you should have at least a couple of states under your belt. And also be able to SHOW the people what you have DONE in those states. Though this is a very tall order as of now - regaining lost ground is a very onerous task for which, AGAIN the AAP is not ready TODAY. You need some strong personal coaching for that. Producing an intelligent solution is not always necessary - being purposeful is. And sometimes, in order to be purposeful, one has to do the mundane and the boring. The best example of purposefulness in the country today is Mr. Narendra Modi. I wish you learn from him. I hope you realize that even though you may have generated a huge amount of energy, you will have to steel yourself to tap it for any useful purpose. Otherwise, you will be relegated to a footnote in the history of the nation - that indeed would be a sad outcome. All the best! =========points for pondering========== What was the real purpose of abdicating the Delhi Govt AFTER taking it over? What was the real purpose of fighting from Varanasi? Was it to satisfy your vanity? What is the purpose of the issue around Not paying the bail amount? Did you achieve it? How does it contribute to the AAP goals? Look, I am not saying these things to belittle you - but only to point out that an Organization is built ONLY around a purpose. Shri Shivaji Maharaj was able to show such a purpose to his people, and the people were so inspired that they were willing to die for that purpose. Just think: What purpose are you transmitting by these antics?
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 18:52:36 +0000

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