AAP looking forward to Sanjiv Bhatt IPS as his ticket to Gujrat. - TopicsExpress


AAP looking forward to Sanjiv Bhatt IPS as his ticket to Gujrat. Let us unleash Sanjiv Bhatt. • IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatt was virtually unknown till he made his dramatic appearance in the media. • A person whose conscience was silent suddenly awake. • He is a discredited IPS officer with a shoddy track record as shown below. • He has proven links with the opposition party, the Congress in Gujarat. His Affidavit • He did not find it fit to file an affidavit before the Justice Nanavati Inquiry Commission • He did not even divulge any information to his superiors filing affidavits • As an intelligence officer, Bhatt is not under any legal, professional or departmental constraints from revealing the information he claims to have • “No statement made by a person in the course of giving evidence before the Commission shall subject him to, or be used against him in, any civil or criminal proceeding except a prosecution for giving false evidence by such statement.” [Section 6 of The Commission of Enquiry Act, 1952] • Nothing can be considered ‘classified’ before a judicial authority, especially a Commission setup under the Commission of Enquiry Act • Bhatt had already been ‘under legal obligation’ to divulge details known to him, as soon as the Nanavati-Shah Commission was formed • “a witness irrespective of the privilege he is subject to; is legally bound to give a Commission of Inquiry information that is relevant & useful to the subject matter of the enquiry - a provision which supersedes & overrides other regulations” [Section 5(2) of The Commission of Enquiry Act, 1952] • If indeed the information he has access to is not divulgable; Sanjiv Bhatt should not be selectively releasing bits & pieces of it as & when he personally deems fit • It has been learnt from his email exchanges that he has been sharing all such information with several NGOs, journalists & political people on the sly in any case • Even Sreekumar says the same: • “None of the officers in State Intelligence Bureau (SIB), provided any input about culpable acts by the functionaries in the government” [Sreekumar Letter to Nanavati-Shah Commission (27.12.2011)] • “Since you claimed that you were ADGP Raiger’s staff officer, you were duty bound to file an affidavit about the first and second terms of reference to the Commission, but you deliberately avoided. In my view you have taken the stand for avoiding any clash of interests with the government.” [Sreekumar Letter 1 to Bhatt (28.12.2011)] • May I now ask what prevented you from filing an affidavit then? Please note that I filed my third and fourth affidavit suo motto, while in service, without any direction from higher officers. Similar action was reportedly taken by Shri Rahul Sharma IPS also. Does your prolonged silence owe its genesis to some ulterior motive hitherto unknown to people” [Sreekumar Letter 1 to Bhatt (28.12.2011)] In 2002 Bhatt was Deputy Commissioner of Intelligence (DCI), Security – in-charge of looking after intelligence on VIP security & security to vital installations only. There was a different DCI in-charge of Law & Order, & Communal matters – P. Upadhyay. Why would Bhatt have been invited to the ‘controversial meeting’ on 27.2.2002 instead of Upadhyay? Poor track record • His superiors, IPS / IAS officers; across seniority levels have had very similar opinions about him and his character since the beginning – as reflected in his Annual Confidential Reports (ACRs) dating back to his 1st year in 1998: o Immature o Arrogant o Violent o Unprincipled o Needs close supervision o Misleading o Liar o Manipulator o Corrupt o Misuser of authority • Career history of manipulation & political maneuvering - bullied and wrestled undue favours claiming to be the only upper caste, Gujarati, direct recruit IPS in the state Ruthlessly violent • Had to be transferred within 27 days of his first posting as ASP (Jamnagar) – for using excessive force in Jamjodhpur, resulting in hundreds of innocent citizens being mercilessly beaten and 1 even dying. o A Commission of Enquiry found him guilty – and his promotion to Senior Time Scale had to be held back. Is now being tried for murder for the same case based on a private complaint • Tied people to trees, completely naked in full public view • Tortured people in his own chambers – got electric current administered • Extorted whenever possible - victims ranging from citizens, businessmen to bootleggers and mafia Held guilty by numerous authorities • Held guilty by the National Human Rights Commission - for the serious human rights violation of framing a person under a false narcotics case – the Gujarat Govt was made to pay Rs 1 lakh as monetary compensation for the same • Recommended twice by the State Vigilance Commission (on 15.07.2002 & 19.10.2006) - for suspension for his professional misconducts • Pulled up on various occasions for keeping far more number of orderlies than sanctioned – reaching up to 35 for his personal use at home Not promoted for years – resulting in his batch mates and even juniors super ceding him.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 11:34:29 +0000

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