AARON AND HUR NEEDED Exodus 17:8-16 Soon after the children of - TopicsExpress


AARON AND HUR NEEDED Exodus 17:8-16 Soon after the children of Israel were delivered from over 400yrs of slavery in Egypt, the first enemy that launched a surprise attack against them was Amalek. Obviously this attack was motivated by either fear or the thought that theyd be able to discomfit and conquer Israel since they only just got over a severe challenge that had to do with water to drink (17:1-7). However, even though Israel hadnt anticipated the attack, yet Moses acted immediately and Joshua and his men went to DEFEND the YOUNG NATION that had just been birthed from the ashes of slavery, the ten plagues and the baptism at the Red Sea. While Joshua and his men played a PHYSICAL part, Mose played a SPIRITUAL and more sensitive part since the battle was first of all a spiritual one. He went to the hill top together with Aaron and Hur because he needed to STAND in the GAP for the fighting men.. However, he couldnt hold his hands up for too long and soon they began to drop. Meanwhile, while his hands were up Israel PREVAILED but as the reverse set in, Amalek prevailed. What should be done now? Aaron and Hur thought, knowing that the defeat of Joshua and his men spelt doom for all of them. They were fighting for all of ISRAEL-the men, women, children and all they had. Moses was lifting his hands for same, but they were left out. Therefore, they DECIDED to play the MOST VITAL ROLE for the nation-staying Moses hands up. They got a stone for Moses to sit on and BORE the WEIGHT of his WEAK and HEAVY HANDS knowing that the continuous lifting of those very weak and heavy hands guaranteed the GRACE for VICTORY for ALL of them. Needless to say, by the end of the day, the DESIRED VICTORY came after the GREAT PRICE was PAID. How many times have we found ourselves in a place ridden with many problems (Challenges) that seem as if we were the ONLY ONES TAKING NOTE OF THEM? It might be in the COMMUNITY you live, WORK place, FAMILY, CHURCH, NATION, GROUP/TEAM, etc. and instead of DOING SOMETHING to ameliorate the situation, you WORSENED it by playing the BLAME GAME (it is NOT MY fault/I met it this way). I want you now to KNOW that ONE of the REASONS why you are the ONE taking note of it is because YOU are the FIRST person God expects to DO SOMETHING about it, not the man/woman who has not noticed it yet or feels indifferent about it. Just imagine if Joshua had said, I am NOT the cause of this war, why then should I be the one to RISK MY LIFE in it?, or if Moses had said, God you brought us here; we didnt ask you to do it nor ask for it; NOW do something to fix this and never got involved, or if Aaron and Hur had said, The Lord KNOWS the END from the BEGINNING and knows how this would end and did nothing. What would have been the fate of the young nation? In the same way, when we notice anything going wrong in our family, community, church, work place, team/group, nation, etc. and fail to act we jeopardize the system, the community, church, etc. as well as the lives of everyone around. My question now is, if we do this, should the GOOD LORD Who SENT us there be happy and decorate us with medals for actively and incessantly failing to fulfill our purpose there? Your answer I guess is a NO and which is WHY we MUST ARISE AND ACT NOW or face Gods WRATH for our INACTIONS/FAILING HIM! We must be the Aaron and Hur of our generation, the answers everywhere there are questions, the voice of the voiceless, the hope where theres none, the light where theres darkness, the peace in the midst of the storm, the truth where there are lies. We must be WHO God made us to be-a blessing everywhere we find ourselves, the sustainer of many, the difference everyhwere we go. We are not ordinary; we are Gods ANSWERS and SOLUTIONS! NOTE We were all WIRED by God for something great irrespective of our race, religion, ethnicity, background, educational qualification, social status, gender, etc. We cannot afford to let God down as well as all those whose lives are tied to ours. If we do posterity will judge us and we will always be a SYMBOL and an EXAMPLE of those who came, saw and YET DID NOTHING to conquer what we were made/born to conquer! If anyone of US fails WE ALL DID. When the greatness in you begin to cry out for expression, DONT silence and bottle it up, instead RELEASE and let it SOAR like the eagle that soars even in the storm. The storm of today is the needed CATALYST for your mounting up and soaring as you should. Dont run from it, face it now like Aaron and Hur did and be the SOLUTION everyone has been praying God for. Shalom!
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 12:40:33 +0000

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