ABDULRAZAQ O. HAMZA: A BOY WITHOUT A SOURCE: I give thanks to God - TopicsExpress


ABDULRAZAQ O. HAMZA: A BOY WITHOUT A SOURCE: I give thanks to God for giving me the opportunity to see this piece. I wouldnt have forgiven my self if I had failed to reply to this merchant of falsehood and paid agent, not just because I have any serious reason to join issues with this scouting freelancer, but because I owe my people a duty, to detoxicate this phantom lies and fabrications, typical of a man vesting his frustration on someone else, as a result of his inability to do what others have been able to do and blaming someone else, an innocent and honourable man for that matter, for his woes. Not even my ever busy schedule can deprive me the opportunity to personally respond to this vituperations. I have been reading a number of posts from this young man in the past, ironically, none has caught my impression to even post a comment, apparently because I have noticed he is the most inconsistent of all the commentators here; even the dogmatic Ahmed is known for his hound and stick to his pay master ideology even though retrogressive. Before I go further to respond to this falacies, lets do a little work of historical psychology on the mentality of this man called AbdulRazaq, vis a vis his present social status, its only after then that we can understand his irreparable failure which has led to his frustrations. A good man needs not come public to tell us how good he is, you are surely the best advertisement of the product you are selling. If you cant stand that advert and you dont have anything to be proud of as an achievement, you cant stand to tell us what is it to have a life or not to have. I understand and pity your unfortunate academic mediocrity, inherent inability to do what others have ordinarily done, hence your spit of black saliva. As a young man who could not ordinarily make 5 credits at a sit, that is not a problem, but one who couldnt pass common JAMB exam and had to resort to free for all admission at National Open University for one unaccredited course, one cannot but sympathise with you ineptitude. It is not anybodys fault that you cant pass simple exam, why should you blame an innocent man and the system he institutionalised for refusing you offer you admission when even yourself know you dont have the requirements. Could this be your reasons for the unnecessary and undeserving aspersions on the Prof? Now let me go to the basis, from the first line of your writing to the last word, I knew this is a forwarded and indeed over flogged scandalisation from the same old cargo. I am not in doubt that this piece has been various brought by the academically displaced and never-competent-again Oloruntoba-Oju, Poju Akinyanju and the rest. They are are consistently inured to lies and cheap blackmail, ignoring every known dignity. I laugh when the man was talking of student activism at the University of Ilorin when he was not even a worthy candidate to secure admission into that citadel of learning. Im not going to belabour myself telling him what happened then, after all, he is only reading from tainted glass, he cant see well. On those so called students he mentioned, has he asked why they were expelled, their aftermaths confession, etc? . Though you didnt pay for this, but let me educate you. Lanre and the other guy you mentioned were academically deficient. They have overstayed the prescribed period for the course of study perhaps, as a result of frequent expulsion they suffered from Professor Oyinloye, the VC preceding Prof. Oba. If you must know, it was Prof. Oba who pardoned and reinstated them even though, they were to be used by ASUU to distabilsed Obas term. Your seeming academic misplacement has made you pitched your tent with your likes, those who are visiting their anger on the society because they failed to achieve the common goals other ordinarily achieved. Young man, this will not help you. I know your likes, you can come up here to write ABC but you cant pass simple exam, if not, why will a young man like you opt for NOUN? Oga you are a failure!. Let me also say this, though it needs no emphasis, both moral and religious teaching enjoin us to be modest and humble, respect the Prophet, the Ulammas, and those governing us. A lot of your forks have mistaken the erudite Profs humility and strict adherence to Islamic teaching to stupidity; this only define the level of you IQ, if you have one at all. Im shocked, despite your open campus learning, you still dont know that giving a compliment of Sir is just for courtesy sake. I am sure you have not be privileged to work in a Corporate Organisation in your life, neither have you been opportuned to employ labour, you would have learnt that giving such compliment isnt synonymous with dogmatism. In my days as a student, there was a lecturer who was almost as young as one of my class mates son, this my octogenarian classmate openly addressed such the young lecturer as yes sir. Life is transient and so status, a follower of today may become the leader of tomorrow. President Jonathan was once giving yes sir compliment to Alamieyesigha, his formal Boss, if you have a TV at home and you watched a programme recently on TV, the formal Boss publicly bent down for GEJ with a yes Sir compliment- your misguided misunderstanding of Profs respect to the office of the Governor Bukola occupied at that time speaks volume of your vague knowledge of diplomacy. Reading your piece, you can best be defined as a boy who speaks with two sides of his mouth, such an individual cant be accorded the ecstasy of honour. The simple demonstration of such act is that of a man who is seeking for attention at all cost, without recourse to sincerity and honesty. Prof. Oba doesnt need your accolade/praises on how he has been helping the teaming youths regardless of political affiliation, he did not do it to impress any one nor seek for praise from an abhorrent lost sheep like you, rather, he would have advised you to face your career, patch your academic leakages and stop jumping about for recognition and monetary benefit. A man without honour is one without life. Im sure Prof wouldnt even want me to mention how many of your indigent family member he has helped, so much so unfortunate that he couldnt help you to secure admission due to your unmanageable deficiency. If for anything, try and face your study so that you can get good job; your scheme to attract political invitation will not be attained by this style, you need a lot more of intellectual acumen to belong to that meritorious class. I understand you are contesting for the post of Senate President of NANS, hence your misplaced castigation of every possible public figure, but please note that we are not your potential electorates so we need no personality castigation from you to win votes. Election campaign of this nature are done at the level of the NANS convention, ask Igini, Wolly Bee, Tony Nwoye, Wasiu Raji, Yinka Dallas, etct how to handle things like this. Please try and specifically consult the very respected Comrade Faruq Daudu who has glorious occupied that same position you are vying for before, he will tutor you on how to achieve this, rather than casting aspersions. My major problem is I wonder if you will be accredited/cleared to contest that post as a result of your shaky student status. This is not the first time student unionism has been commercialised and the so called activists compromised, but surely this is the peak of the display of such unfortunate desperation on your path. Your empty showmanship is rather counter productive. For record sake, Prof. Oba need no advert, neither can your desperate smearing of his name remove a strand of hair from his hard-earned integrity, the recent jab from this political neophyte and desperate student radical is to nothing but a child play. Please, you can actually bath without having to urinate on the floor, dont forget, when you do, it smells, we cant continue to clean up you mess...atoo le... Further to your empty ego, let me start by way of interlude. Just recently, I stumbled on a joke. Akpos was sent to school but failed woefully. When he was asked by his father why he failed, instead of him to simply accept his weakness and work hard for a better future result, he just chose to justify his inadequacies by telling the father that he was not the only one that failed, even the best students in his class equally failed. This AbdulRazaq is just the Akpos in this case. Of all the issues I raised, the only thing you could say is to hide under institutional cover, telling us one institution is better than the other. Who is talking about institutional supremacy here? Nkan tani ki okobo obo kobo oni ohun lebo abere loru. You have further demonstrated your weakness by blindly concluding Im a student or lecturer at Unilorin! The issue at hand isnt a struggle of superiority between Unilorin and NOUN but your inability to toe the path of convention others have successfully walked. I sympathise with your helplessness, accept my condolence for your irreparable loss. Yes, so unfortunately, you will forever be a second class student/graduate (if you ever make it at last), who never went through the four pillars of real University. It will forever be a minus in your life and career that you never attended full time course in a campus University, you will never attend the much priced NYSC scheme, you will never be addressed as a Corper , as joyful as it is, you will never have the inexplainable experience of what POP looks like, so unfortunately, you will never receive that green lettered NYSC discharge certificate, all these are enough to turn you into needless social critique, but sincerely, you are the architect of your own misfortune. These are life failures than can never be remedied in your life. Ironically, you are one of the very frustrated few who have technically hijacked the very main reason why that institution was rightly established. It wasnt meant for fresh admission seekers, frustrated JAMB candidates, but for working class, like, Civil Servants who were not privileged to attend full time courses at the conventional University. I raised a question which I want you to answer straight and direct, why did you resort to attend NOUN? Wasnt it because you were frustrated because you couldnt pass simple JAMB exams? Why are you particularly attacking Unilorin, wasnt it because you were not offered admission? I wonder what this country is turning to when young lads like you cant just work hard to attain success, rather, merely looking for cheap escape route, thanks to Baba OBJ for establishing NOUN and thus the study Centre in my ancient town Ilorin, what would have been this guys fate? I also wonder where you would have been assuming President Obasanjo hadnt established that Institution? Please oga, tell me, what is impressive and beyond imagination about you? You are shamelessly celebrating failure and flauting mediocrisy. So you are telling me that you are such a super man, yet, couldnt. Pass sinple exam? Are you worthy of example one can advise younger one to emulate? Ofcourse no, how can anyone possibly pray for his or her child to follow your path of frustrated and emulate laziness. Im still trying to read your published article in academic journal..who will even allow an half-baked personality who went through substandard education system like you to publish rubbish..oga, bury your head in shame, go and face serious academic challenge, go back to school and throw away village head-master kind of learning, this is 21st...
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 21:42:19 +0000

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