ABM - A decade ago Israel realised international solidarity - TopicsExpress


ABM - A decade ago Israel realised international solidarity activists were using the then newer technologies – like mobile phone cameras, laptops and email – to show the world what was supposed to be happening in secret as Israel reinvaded the West Bank and demolished homes in Gaza on a mass scale. Israel decided that had to stop. So within a few months several activists living among Palestinians were either dead, like Rachel Corrie and Tom Hurndall, or seriously injured, like Brian Avery. A French diplomat Marion Castaing forced into the dirt, surrounded by Israeli soldiers with their guns pointed at her tells you all you need to know about the power relations between Israel and the EU. Castaing said: “They dragged me out of the truck and forced me to the ground with no regard for my diplomatic immunity. This is how international law is being respected here.” Diplomats from France, the UK, Ireland, Spain, Sweden, Greece, Australia and Brazil were present as they were attacked, and stun grenades fired at them. Let’s now see how bold the EU really is. Is it going to make an issue of this abuse of its diplomats? Most coverage was based on the account of a Reuters reporter who was present. Not surprisingly, the Israeli media sought to play down the abuse. Most international media ignored the event. The few that did cover it, in brief, had even more misleading headlines. - See more at: jonathan-cook.net/blog/2013-09-21/israeli-guns-pointed-at-diplomats-in-quarrel/#sthash.JfrfDP2i.dpuf
Posted on: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 19:51:18 +0000

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