ABOMINABLE PRAISE (PRAISE THAT TROUBLE GOD) We bless God for this great message that Holy spirit is about to share with us, Only GODS name be praise. N.B this message is for the truth seekers The Issue of PRAISE at these present days have been blown out of #sriptures boundary by the so called men of God we have around. There have being alot of praise programmes lately, mostly tagged NIGHT OF PRAISE, AFRICAN PRAISE, YOUTH NIGHT PRAISE, PRAISE IS THE KEY, PRAISE IS THE SOLUTION ONLY PRAISE ABSOLUTE PRAISE and so on The truth is that there is nothing wrong in having a praise programmes but its spiritually immoral to just packed people in a venue without making their #salvation piority before their praises can move God. According to the book of Amos5:23 Take away from Me the #noise of your #songs, For I will not hear the #melody of your stringed instruments. 24 But let JUSTICE rundown like water and RIGHTEOUSNESS like a #mighty stream. I remember one day when I turned-on the tv and tuned to a christian cable channel, then I saw a reknown Nigerian pastor calling on people to attend the praise programme he will be Hosting, in his invitation speech he said and I quote THERE WILL BE ALOT OF WORSHIP, LOT OF SONGS, LOTS OF PRAYERS AND A LITTLE BIT OF PREACHING Yes, with our human sense knowledge we may say, afterall its a praise programme we cant expect a programme full of WORD....but IN A CHRISTIAN GATHERING THAT THE WORD IS RATED #LESS OR LITTLE BIT, THE FOUNDATION AND PLATFORM WHICH IS SALVATION THAT OUR PRAISE SHOULD BASED-ON WILL BE MISSING WHICH WILL MAKE THE PRAISE STINKS AND ABOMINABLE TO ALMIGHTY. Prov15:8 The #sarifice of the wicked is an ABOMINATION to the Lord, But the #prayer of the UPRIGHT is His #delight. There is a saying that is #unscriptural that we always say in churches today, it goes thus WHERE PRAYER FAILS PRAISE TRIUMPH, its unscriptural because PRAYER NEVER FAIL. The truth is GOD LOVE PRAISES AS MUCH AS HE LOVE ANSWERS THE PRAYERS OF THE RIGHTOUES, no preferences...... So the point here is, its totally scriptural that we say WHERE PRAISE OF THE UNRIGHTEOUS FAILS THE PRAISE OF THE RIGHTEOUS IN CHRIST TRIUMPH. Lastly, biblical King David is always our symbol of praise which we always want to emulate, but the unscriptural potraying of King david as a GREAT SINNER THAT ALWAYS USE PRAISES TO BRIBE GOD is the major problem of christians of today, beacuse this made alot of christians to #wrongly believe that ONCE YOU BEGIN PRAISING GOD, HE WILL NOT CARE ABOUT THE SALVATION OF YOUR SOUL, AND YOU CAN CONTINUE IN SIN ONCE YOU CAN OFFER PRAISE TO HIM. Contrary to this mentality according to 2samuel12 *As Abraham was made righteous by God so David was call the apple of Gods eyes, not because David is a righteous man in human sense but because God made him so, but we reject the RIGHTOUSNESS OF CHRIST *Obedience of David to God is second to non unlike us. *He never offer praises in sin rather he render a prayer of repentance instead because he knew that offering praises to God when living in sin is ABOMINATION like US of the present. *When prophets REBUKED him, he never see it as someone JUDGING him like most of US or betterstill looking for a way to JUSTIFY ourselves *Anytime He commited a sin, HE ALWAYS SINCERELY, SOBERLY AND GENUINELY REPENTS OF HIS SINS. Praise without geniune repentance and a Life of Holiness is nothing but A TROUBLE TO GOD, because He cannot bear them.....Isaiah1:14 So, Only the praises of the Righteous in Christ ALONE will move God #YouCantBribeGodwithPraise #SalvationIsTheFoundation #YeshuaAmashiachIsComing
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 20:02:47 +0000

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