ABOUT A MAN OF GOD CALLED BEFORE HE WAS BORN TO BE A MOVE OF GOD, GOD SPAKE TO JOHN G LAKE ABOUT THE ONE WHO WOULD COME TO FLOW IN HIS MINISTRY 100 THOUSAND DOCUMENTED HEALINGS IN 5 YEARS. this is the word given in the early or mid 1900s & below is the man & his teachings on video today THE PROPHECY FULFILLED !!!. Prophecy from John G. Lake There shall come upon the church great darkness. The ground gained from the enemy shall be lost and false teachers shall arise and false prophets whose words shall have a ring of truth but will have no substance. They are those who will follow after gain and greed shall be their god. They shall show forth works but their works will be insignificant, they shall have visions, but their visions will not exalt Me, saith God, but their own selves and doctrines. Against this there shall come forth by My Spirit, a young man, another voice crying in the wilderness to make straight the way of The Lord, restoring old ways and shoring up the terrible gap in the wall to stop the incoming flood of sin and worldliness that shall surely be in the church in that day. This one will be rejected of men and his brethren will not understand nor accept him. I will fill him with My Spirit, with My mind. His life will be precious to Me, for his spirit will bring forth from My Spirit and show his generation of My fullness. He shall be born when this country has stopped growing, for I will bring him forth in the very last days. He shall consecrate himself to Me even as he was consecrated as a child. He will not hearken to the voices that would hinder him; for he is separated unto the work whereunto I have called him. He will dwell upon Me night and day. I will remove any hindrances that will place itself against My purposes. I will use him mightily for he shall not only continue the flow of this ministry, but he shall carry it to even greater depths. The great works that have been seen, will appear as naught for I will do greater works through him for he is meek and seeks peace. I will cause the pride of life to pass from him and the spirit of achievement instilled in him at an early age I will cause to leave. The enemy will try to kill him a score and five years from my death. Before his second score of years, he shall see all these things begin. Thus saith The Lord. _________________________________________________________________________________ The John G. Lake Ministry was given directly to Curry R. Blake, by John G. Lake’s daughter and son-in-law, Wilford Reidt, because of this prophecy given by Lake in 1934, the year before his death. As noted above the prophecy told about the man that would take his ministry to greater depths. And that he would be born the year our country stopped growing, which was 1959. (The last state was added to the Union in 1959.) 1959 was the year that Curry Blake was born; and according to the above the prophecy that 25 years (score and five years) from the day of Dr. Lake’s death (Sept. 16, 1935) Satan would try and kill him. On Sept. 16, 1960, 25 years to the day of John G Lake’s death, Curry Blake was run over by a car. He was 18 months old. A truly amazing testimony! Just like the prophecy said. Curry R. Blake fits this prophecy so perfectly, that John G. Lake’s daughter and son-in-law, Wilford Reidt, prayed about it for over 9 months before giving him the Ministry. Every time they went to prayer over it, the Lord instructed them to pass the ministry onto him.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 11:39:03 +0000

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