ABOUT “CARE / JUST PLAY” -DIFFERENCE INSIDE DUTY AND ABOUT DUTY Are “duty to be obeying someone” inside its orders giving order, or are it from humans own inside understanding about really important things and from “to be that “a priori” “category imperative” it selves –substance. Let this very obvious thing just be to history do-ers opposition forces INSTRUMENT, because they are going to say, that they are like I am, but let’s take to conscious to the table to take attitude: “care”. Especially on hidden security area is obviously such tradition, where there being substance, even more over than be this system, are on that side specie, which keeps this system in its unmovable direction willing it be even worse, than it is. So there logically (I have repeat over 20 years “logic is hard area on history…”) are such specie, which precisely are using hidden methods and whose mind structure is be coward caring only them own advances using them position(/post..) so, that this exploiting can continue and they can get them car etc. They are not life, them country, people etc. caring substance, but them own needs. And more over… If it is obvious, that because they are not morally (Judas) sheriff substance spoiling criminals businesses, and they aren’t, must they be just something, which play with them own kind offs on horizontal competition happening and whose have made such cybernetic doers own kind of society, which is in Finland called (always by the Powers own words, which can do in majority steady society from superiors position) “The paradise of thieves” (these wisdom idioms have turned upside down in purpose to inspect, are object understanding or not, or is he against such ones or them methods, who are smiling looking his reactions). You should now see.. this morally advance between them exploited areas and them powers (and for example these my many, long time to the world distributed, words to everyone’s, who have hear, but because they did wrong, to them lost position become effect): how superior positions are used and what may your status inside worlds morally justification in it be in relation of those, who “go with me”. Have you possibilities, if you do not use your opportunity (India, Thailand, Sweden, Russia, USA, Finland, Ban etc. may be somehow also your situation) and if you do not be something else, than them side and evils extension..., you lost your possibility survey out from Inclined surface possibility forever. They get you to them armpit and they are saying, that they like you and are like I am. Have your security so far done anything to protect you against such system. No. They are just keeping you competing with other this “food chains systems” and how stupid thinking such may be, because they have anything at all power to win superior evilness and countries! To compete against them is to lose every second getting you will something from table, but losing every second on that and many other dimension areas. Morally and independence from Thermodynamic 2 rule -system is the only counterforce and direction, which can make success and future! This means for example, that your police -system should not anymore be “criminals, who win other criminals and keep so trough criminality such one substance society and order”, but, instead to “be harder and the hardest is winner” –society, must police substance be life sustain side and there about everyone’s best caring specie extension. May some side of you both in “W” be such like, or have you understand, that such cannot find from political croups… It means that them called and hatred “Judas”, which is not one of them, but absolutely higher specie, employer of employers, must be institutionalized to be, what he is. To give orders and conscience to the rest world! “Judas” is, what criminals say about King, what he is (good says badly to bad!), but you are breed to be criminal’s extension and hate me deeply from your genomes on. I am living caring loving understan-ding good Gods morally extension Ideals it selves and Utopia is possible become exist only to my extension. To your mind possibilities that, what could be stays just to utopia, because you make only “move boxes” –objectworld and breed those to be useful to you. This exist world is “Winners win and others die” -layering system, where “Security” is terrorists, whose trough them position inside system, have stop to do own visible terrorism. Criminals, whose have just win other ones, and as superior ones, have turned them takings to take other way from inside “criminals paradise”. No one police is putting him selves to danger or protect people against bad powers (not to mention doing controversy protecting all exploitative criminal mind powers having so no worries from them direction), but they have layered to them own position specie to keep them catch on Powers hands and let others just try to find someone, who can/ will exploit them. If they do not find such one and please, are those just impossible to live, because outside that exploitation food chain exist anything at all, but “der” is keeping to die goers lines with “das” in order. This should have already become known to everyone, who is worried, may there be next day.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 05:39:33 +0000

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